Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Jessie’s Law

This can happen in four main ways:

• Certain essential nutrients are missing from your diet. • The nutrients in your food have been destroyed.

• You are not digesting your food properly. • Your cells aren’t absorbing the nutrients.

Toxins: Your body is using fat to help protect you from toxins, which are stored in your fat cells. In the same way that your body used to use fat to protect you from the cold, it is also using fat to help insulate and protect your vital organs from the poi- sons in your food and your environment.

Radiation: Fat also absorbs radiation, and your body uses fat to insulate and protect your vital organs from radiation.

Medication: Certain medications can artificially activate the FAT Programs. For further specific details on potentially problematic medications, see page 118. Food Additives: Processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and flavor enhancers are radically different from the foods our ancestors ate. Our bodies don’t know how to digest them. They can cause a kind of hormonal chaos that turns on the FAT Pro- grams. I am not saying that you should avoid them or any foods that you are craving, because that would be a diet and diets don’t work. On the other hand, the Gabriel Method increases your body’s desire for real foods and allows any cravings that you might have for these “fake” foods to fall away by them- selves—without dieting, without struggle, and without a futile and superhuman use of will power. When your body wants to be thin, you’ll simply no longer crave foods that make it fat. Mental and Emotional Threats: Your body treats all mental and emotional stresses as if they are literal physical threats . Every time you feel stress, you are sending a chemical message to your body, and that message is: “I am not safe. Do something!” Your body is


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