Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part II: Nonphysical Stresses that Activate the FAT Programs

some time working though the issues and releasing the pain. This will allow you to move forward and release emotional obe- sity. Some of the therapies I’ve found to be effective are Core Energetics, Soul Retrieval, and regression analysis. Please see my website for a list of recommended coun- selors in your area. But I really have to make this point very strongly: if you’re not addressing these issues, you’re not following the Gabriel Method. No one can say for sure how long it will take before the issues are resolved; that process is deeply personal. The issues might be resolved at this very moment, simply by reading this chapter or by listening to my CD once, or it might take months of intensive counseling. There’s simply no way to pre- dict what it will take, but starting the process is the key. At least there’s a really easy way to know something for sure right now. Ask yourself a simple question: “Do I feel safe being thin?” If the answer is no, then there’s still a problem. Can you imagine yourself being thin? If not, you are not quite there yet, but don’t worry. I will help you work on getting there in the coming chapters. Also, if someone comments on how great you look and how thin you’re getting, does that make you feel happy or threatened? If it makes you feel uncomfortable in the slightest, that is a sign. In the coming chapters, I talk about some very effective ways of addressing and eliminating the causes of emotional obesity, but only you will know for sure if it’s working for you and the extent to which you need to keep going in this area. You can take care of emotional obesity easily enough, but you must take care of it. You simply cannot ignore it. If you have it, no diet, program, or approach will be effective. Rather than ignore the problem, address it and watch the weight liter- ally melt off your body. You will know when your emotional obesity is gone because you will feel safer, more centered, less fearful, calmer, happier, more open, more positive, and more in control of you life. These positive emotional states may happen gradually or all at once as you address and resolve your emotional obesity issues.


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