Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part II: Nonphysical Stresses that Activate the FAT Programs

you empower. Judging yourself only serves to strengthen your shortcomings. Forgiveness is a magnanimous act. It makes you feel good about yourself, which makes you feel more deserving of good. When you feel more deserving, you are more able to give your- self the gift of the body you desire. Technique: Sit alone quietly and say the word FORGIVE- NESS. Say it slowly several times. Imagine every cell of your body is saying the word in unison. After a while, certain people will come to mind that you need to for- give. As people arise in your awareness, say that you forgive them. Imagine that every cell of your body for- gives them. Don’t forget to include yourself. Radiate Appreciation It’s impossible to have negative thoughts while feeling apprecia- tion. Appreciation dissolves negativity. Where there is appre- ciation, there can never be sadness, anger, resentment, and those other poisonous emotions that trigger the FAT Programs. There’s an opportunity to feel appreciation in every situation. Even if you’re in a traffic jam, that fundamental symbol of the daily grind, you can appreciate it. It may have made you ten minutes late, but you can be grateful that it didn’t make you an hour late. You can be grateful that you weren’t part of the acci- dent that caused the traffic jam in the first place, or that your car didn’t stall on the freeway. There is an infinite number of things that we can all appreci- ate once we start to think about it. You can choose to find grati- tude in every moment and to develop this habit of appreciation in every circumstance. I have found that whenever I am in a challenging situation in my life, if I utter the statement “I am grateful for the grace of this moment,” the situation is almost magically transformed. For me this has become a habit, and it has made my life infinitely easier and less stressful.


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