Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Using Positive Emotions to Turn Off the FAT Programs

are important consolidation periods. Even though it may not be showing, a lot of things could be going on biochemically inside you that are getting you ready for the next big breakthrough. Weighing yourself every day keeps the focus on how quickly you are losing weight. Take the focus off how quickly you’re losing weight and focus instead on how effectively you are transforming your body permanently. The Abundance Visualization I love this visualization because it works on so many levels. Being worried about finances can activate the FAT Programs, as you now know. So, getting richer kills two birds with one stone: you solve your financial problems and you allow your body to let go of excess weight. I use visualization for everything in my life, and when it comes to creating more abundance, this visualization really hits the mark. Technique: Imagine you are in an infinite ocean stretch- ing as far as you can see in all directions. Even though you are in this ocean, you can still breathe just fine. Now imagine that this ocean is really an ocean of abundance, and that one drop of this water is equal to more money than Bill Gates can make in an entire lifetime—just one drop! You are completely submerged in it, and it goes as far as you can possibly imagine in all directions. Now, simply imagine that the pores of your skin are opening up, and that the water rushes into your body and then flows into your life. Imagine it flowing through you and creating any type of abundance you want—houses, cars, mansions, or just a general feeling of security. Affirm to yourself that you are always in this ocean, and anytime you need ANYTHING whatsoever, all you have to do is open your pores and allow it to flow to you. What I like about this visualization is that it works on so many levels. When you do this visualization in SMART Mode, you’re tapping into the enormous power of your mind to attract


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