Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part II: Nonphysical Stresses that Activate the FAT Programs

When the mind is racing, there are too many thought waves distorting the image; therefore, practicing visualization while you are in SMART Mode is the key to success. SMART Mode is the missing link in weight loss that has the power to transform your body into a body that wants to be thin. Deepak Chopra has another explanation of why practicing visualization in SMART Mode is so effective. In his classic mas- terpiece The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success , he talks about both the “Law of Pure Potentiality” and the “Law of Intention and Desire.” According to Dr. Chopra, we can manifest anything we want in our lives by taking intention or desire into the “field of pure potentiality.” The visual image of how you would like to look is the inten- tion, and when you’re in SMART Mode, you enter what Dr. Chopra calls the “field of pure potentiality.” So according to this theory, by visualizing your ideal body in SMART Mode, you are manifesting that body—you are creating the body of your dreams . I am living proof that this is true. The body that I now have is exactly the body that I visualized while I was losing weight. I don’t believe this is a coincidence. It wasn’t that I just lost weight; I now look exactly the way I pictured myself looking. When I weighed over 400 pounds, anyone seeing the picture of how I imagined myself looking would have laughed and said I was “dreaming”— which of course I was . As crazy as that image might have seemed to others, I clung to it and I believed in it, and now the dream has become a real- ity—just as it can become a reality for you too. Another bonus of visualization is that, when you do it fre- quently, you’ll actually start to believe you’re going to look the way you’re visualizing your body to be. We’ve talked about the tremen- dous power of beliefs in chapter 3, in the discussion of mental obesity. Specifically, we know that beliefs have the power to kill us or cure us, and we know that beliefs control nearly every aspect of I was visualizing my ideal body in the powerful waking/dream state of SMART Mode.


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