USD Women's Basketball 2003-2004

. "The greatest challenge to a Divi– sion I athlete is to balance the de– mands ofsport while taking full ad– vantage of the educational experi– ence offered. The purpose of our program is to assist student-athletes in meeting this challenge by offering tutoring, advising, mentoring and a quietenvironment to study. The aca– demic supportprogram is designed to assist students in adjusting to life at USD anddeveloping soundacademic and career plans. By promoting a philosophy ofindividual responsibil– ity, which encourages each student– athlete to value their educational ex– perience, the academic support pro– gram assists each athlete to realize their full potential. " - Shaney Fink wee Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year Susie Erpelding '99-00 Paula Mascari '89-90 GTE Academic All-America First Team Susie Erpelding '98-99 GTE Academic All-America 2nd Team Heidi Ambrose '96-97 GTE Academic All-America 3rd Team Susie Erpelding '99-00 Class Valedictorian Heidi Ambrose '97 wee All-Academic Team Melissa Padgett ' 03 Melissa Glazebrook ' 00, '0 1, ' 02 Jamie Lucia ' 00 Erin Malich ' 00 Susie Erpelding '97, 98, 99 & 00 Kari Ambrose ' 96, 97, 98, & 99 Nailah Thompson '95, 96 & 97 Heidi Ambrose '94, 95, 96 & 97 Amanda Bishop ' 97 Andrea Burns '97 Malia Andagan ' 94 & 96 Michele Brovelli '94, 95, & 96 Laura King '93, 94, 95 & 96 Nya Jensen ' 93, 94 & 95 Jill Shaver ' 91, 92, 93 & 94 Melissa Sortino '92, 93 & 94 Lorraine Watson ' 94 Charlene Bippes '93 Chris Enger ' 90, 9 1, 92 & 93 Julia Doria ' 92 Debbie Gollnick '90, 91 , & 92 Lynda Jones '90, 91 & 92 Julie Lemery ' 90 & 92 Serena Eiermann '92 Angie Straub ' 90, 9 1 & 92 Paula Mascari ' 88, 89 & 90 Cathy Perkins ' 90 Candida Echeverria ' 87, 88 & 89 Kelli Behrens ' 87 Jane Gilpin '87 Karen Skemp '87 SAN DIEGO Women's Basketball ACADEMIC HONORS


The USD Athletic Academic Support Program is desigJled to promote the academic development of student-athletes. The primary objective is to offer the necessary resources for the academic success of student-athletes as they work to earn their degree. Academic Support Services are designed to enhance the student– athlete's overall coUegiate experience and en– couragedeveJopment andattainmentofacademic and career goals. All USD student-athletes have access to advising, tutoring and mentoring services. The mentoring program, Access, was developed in 1999 and teams a graduate student in the Coun– seling programwith an athlete who would like to enhance study skills, learn about campus re– sources and receive guidance on goal develop– meJ1tand attainment. Student-athletes also have access to a quiet area where they can study or work in the computer center. In addition, stu– dent-athletes are encouraged to utilize the cam– puslearningcenters including theWriting,Math andLogic Centers as well as to take advantage of the resources available to them in the Career Center, Counseling Center and Computer Labs.

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