


Action and Description

Repeat entering letters to narrow your search. When you are satisfied with your entry press the right arrow key on the bezel. SYNC will jump to the phonebook contact name thatmatches your entry. Press OK . In addition to the Phonebook entry name, the phone number label (Work, Cell, Home or Other) shows on the display. If there are multiple phone number entries for a particular Phone- book name, you can scroll through the different phone labels at this time. Once you have the desiredphone label on the screen press OK . Thephone number that is storedunder the selected label will be shown on the display. Press OK to dial this number.

Press the OK button to send, download, read and delete text messages. 1 View your cell phone's status, set ring tones, select your message notification, change phonebook entries and automatically download your cell phone content among other features. 1 Automatically place an emergency call to a 911 operator following a crash. 2 Interact with SYNC-capable mobile applications on your smart- phone. Access BluetoothDevicesmenu listings and advancedmenu listings.



911 Assist



Press the OK button to exit the phone menu. EXIT MENU 1 This is a cell phone-dependent feature. 2 This is an optional feature and available in the United States and Canada only Text Messaging Note: This is a cell phone-dependent feature. SYNC allows you to receive, send, download and delete text messages. The system can also read incoming text messages to you so that you do not have to take your eyes off the road.


Flex(TP3) ,enUSA,Editiondate:201704,FirstPrinting

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