Dwellworks Experience - Lean Agile Playbook 2.01

Dwellworks Experience Lean and Agile Playbook 2.01


Introduction ....................................................................................................4

Why We Did This............................................................................................5

Role of Leadership........................................................................................................... 6 A Brief History of Lean and Agile ..................................................................................... 6 Lean Methodology ........................................................................................................... 7 Agile Practices ................................................................................................................. 8 Agile Teams..................................................................................................................... 9 The Tools .....................................................................................................10 The 5 Whys.................................................................................................................... 10 6 Thinking Hats .............................................................................................................. 11 80% Rule ....................................................................................................................... 12 Acceptance Criteria........................................................................................................ 12 Aggregation of Marginal Gains ...................................................................................... 13 Backlog .......................................................................................................................... 14 Brain Writing .................................................................................................................. 15 Cadence ........................................................................................................................ 16 Continuous Improvement ............................................................................................... 17 Countermeasure ............................................................................................................ 17 Cross Correlation Board ................................................................................................ 18 Customer Collaboration ................................................................................................. 19 Deep Dive ...................................................................................................................... 19 Dot Vote......................................................................................................................... 20 Fab 5.............................................................................................................................. 20 Fist to 5 .......................................................................................................................... 21 Health Indicator Chart .................................................................................................... 22 Ideation .......................................................................................................................... 22 Initiative.......................................................................................................................... 22 Iterations ........................................................................................................................ 22 Just Enough................................................................................................................... 23 Kanban .......................................................................................................................... 23 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) ..................................................................................... 25 Pairing............................................................................................................................ 25

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Platform ......................................................................................................................... 26 Process Change Team (PCT)........................................................................................ 27 Process Change Scorecard ........................................................................................... 27 Process Improvement Intake Flow................................................................................. 28 Process Review Team (PRT)......................................................................................... 29 Progressive Elaboration................................................................................................. 29 Radiating........................................................................................................................ 29 Relative Sizing ............................................................................................................... 30 Retrospectives (“Retro”)................................................................................................. 30 Road Map ...................................................................................................................... 31 Roadblock...................................................................................................................... 31 Servant Leadership........................................................................................................ 32 Show and Tell ................................................................................................................ 32 Solution.......................................................................................................................... 33 Spark Wall ..................................................................................................................... 33 Spinning......................................................................................................................... 33 Sprint ............................................................................................................................. 33 Sprint Planning............................................................................................................... 34 Standup Meetings .......................................................................................................... 34 Story Mapping................................................................................................................ 35 Story Writing .................................................................................................................. 35 Story Card/User Story.................................................................................................... 36 T-Shaped Person........................................................................................................... 36 Team Agreement ........................................................................................................... 37 Time Box........................................................................................................................ 37 User Experience (UX) .................................................................................................... 37 Value Stream Mapping .................................................................................................. 38 Velocity .......................................................................................................................... 39

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This guide is a comprehensive introduction to Dwellworks Lean and Agile terminology, practices, and thinking. While we have had many customers ask us for a “checklist on Agile,” every team is different and no two teams practice Agile the same way. The following “Playbook” defines and outlines the basic principles and practices of Lean and Agile. It’s intended to be user a guide and reference tool. Think of the playbook as being the “tool-box,” and the lean and agile practices and concepts as the actual tools. You’ll find that you won’t use every tool in every situation or project. The important thing is to use what makes sense for you and the team and those that will create the most value for your given situation.

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Why We Did This The “lean and agile” business method will help Dwellworks to foster positive change and maintain a competitive edge in the market. An Agile approach focuses on empowered, self-managing teams, and fostering autonomy that doesn't need day-to-day intervention by management. Instead, Agile management means protecting the team from outside interference and removing roadblocks that impede the delivery of business value and productivity. We are challenging ourselves to look hard and smart at the way we work, while utilizing an outside consulting firm with our own project management team to help teach us, ‘how can we do this better?’ and ‘what tools and technology do we need to succeed?’ We are finding a way to work even better together, so that we can focus on our customers and opportunities, and make our processes and our technologies so efficient that they do not take up any more of our time than they need to. One goal of the collaboration between LeanDog and Dwellworks is to enhance communication across the company and allow voices from every team to be heard. Associates at every level bring a unique perspective and knowledge of their specific role. The input and participation of each staff member will be key to this collaboration’s success and to Dwellworks taking a positive step forward. Our partners taught us a way of looking at ourselves and our business critically, to make sure we are always asking if we’re doing our work as efficiently as possible. Efficient, agile, lean … these are all words associated with our undertaking and they mean, very simply, ‘are we letting ourselves perform at full potential, or are we being held back by ways of working that we need to refresh, get rid, of or improve on?” We learned how to ask the questions, and now we’re applying their methods to our way of working. We’re a group that loves collaboration, loves looking for ‘better,’ loves thinking like the customer…so this has proven to be a powerful and productive partnership. Get involved, voice your opinion and make a unique contribution to the company’s development. While we begin exploring changes to our normal processes and procedures, our new endeavor with LeanDog will continue to emphasize our strong company values of Integrity, Teamwork, Performance, Innovation and as always … Fun!”

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Role of Leadership In order to support the successful adaptation of Agile and uphold its values, principles, and practices, our leadership team is committed to creating a culture of continuous improvement. It is important that the entire organization, from the top down, understands the idea of the servant leadership style and agrees on a team-based decision-making process. ABrief History of Lean and Agile Incremental software development methods trace back to 1957. Lightweight software development methods first appeared in the mid-1990s in reaction to the heavyweight waterfall-oriented methods that had become commonplace, which critics called heavily regulated, regimented, micromanaged and over-incremental. Proponents of these lightweight methods contended that they were returning to development practices that were present early in the history of software. These early implementations favored creativity, freedom, self-management, and continuous improvement. These methods are now collectively referred to as Agile development, after the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001. The term "Lean" was coined to describe Toyota's Production System during the late 1980s by a research team at MIT. The core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. In the early 2000s, companies (especially startups) began applying both Lean and Agile principles together in order to develop new products (or even new companies) more efficiently and based on validated customer demand.

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Lean Methodology

+ Elimination of waste and inefficiencies + Building quality/adding value + Fast delivery + Minimize defects

+ Maximize customer value + Active and engaged teams + Optimize the whole (an optimized team works as a whole)

+ Continuous improvement + Relentless incrementalism + Simplicity!

Lean for Production and Services A popular misconception is that lean is suited only for manufacturing. Not true. Lean applies in every business and every process. It is not a tactic or a cost reduction program, but a way of thinking and acting for an entire organization.

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Agile Practices

+ Self-organized and empowered teams + Team collaboration + Transparency + Face-to-face conversations/interactions + Visual + Adaptive + Use of sprints and sprint planning + Abbreviated work/project cycles + Incremental and iterative delivery + 80/20 rule + MVP (Minimal Viable Product) + Testing + Done means DONE!

“Agile … is an attitude, not a technique with boundries. An attitude has no boundaries, so we wouldn’t ask ‘can I use agile here’, but rather ‘how would I act in the agile way here?’, or ‘how agile can we be, here?”

-Alistair Cockburn

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Agile Teams Building processes and services using Agile approach is a “team sport.” The concepts discussed are about our associates: enhancing how we communicate and collaborate together. Do we have everyone on the team that we need? The Whole Team requires the entire team together to work as a unit and share responsibility for producing high quality service. The Whole Team approach is the glue of Agile practices, holding all the other practices together.

Are people broadly skilled, knowledgeable, and able to help each other? A T-Shaped person continuously broadens their knowledge while deepening a core skill set. They are also known as generalizing-specialists or “Renaissance Man” workers.

Is our team located in the same space? Face-to-face communication is extremely valuable whenever possible. In an open work environment, the team uses open space facilitate communication, and shorten feedback loops and ideation. We adjust for our workspace since our global offices don’t have this similar space in common. By using photos, emails, boards, conference calls, video conferencing, and committees, our team works to have the best collaboration possible, overcoming geographic barriers.

Do we have the workload set so we don’t need heroic efforts? A Sustainable Pace is a constant pace that a lean project should be able to maintain indefinitely, to ensure the team has time to plan, think, rest, and deliver effectively.

Do we have inexpensive and simple ways to communicate? Clear communication requires a validation of shared understanding. Diagrams, flowcharts, and other visual aids are an excellent way to ensure that ideas discussed are actually understood in the intended manner. Incremental changes are intended to shorten feedback cycles and improve responsiveness by implementing small changes, throughout the whole process. This improves productivity by providing more opportunities to handle new or changing requirements, or adjusting priorities of planned work in response to business or customer needs. Is it easy for the team and non-team members to understand where we stand? Visuals (posters, boards, etc.) display important project information simply, communicating information even from across the room. Use visuals to map project statuses so the team knows the status at all times.

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The Tools

The 5 Whys An iterative, interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. The 5 Whys is a simple, practical tool that is very easy to use. When a problem arises, simply keep asking the question "why" until you reach the root cause of the problem, and until a robust counter-measure becomes apparent. The 5 Whys is most effective when the answers come from people who have hands-on experience of the process being examined. The "5" in the name derives from an empirical observation on the number of iterations typically required to resolve the problem. and describe it completely. It also helps a team focus on the same problem. + Ask Why the problem happens and write the answer down below the problem. + If the answer you just provided doesn’t identify the root cause of the problem that you wrote down in Step 1, ask Why again and write that answer down. + Loop back to step 3 until the team is in agreement that the problem’s root cause is identified. Again, this may take fewer or more times than 5 Whys. How to complete the 5 Whys: + Write down the specific problem. Writing the issue helps you formalize the problem

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6 Thinking Hats Orderly and objective approach to problem solving where the Facilitator leads the group through sharing thoughts applicable to what ‘hat’ is presented at that time.

+ Blue: The organizing hat – Facilitator uses this hat as the first and last step. + White: Neutral, objective, only concerned with facts and figures. + Yellow: The positive hat, covering hope and positive thinking. + Black: The careful and cautious hat, points out weakness in ideas – the devil’s advocate. + Green: Associated with fertile growth, creativity, and new ideas - based on data collected from previous hats. + Red: The emotional view – what you feel without justification.

How it works: 1. Facilitator starts with the Blue Hat – summarizes the issue.

Next, Facilitator might suggest the team ‘wears’ the White Hat to collect facts about the issue.

2. After collecting some pertinent facts, Facilitator suggests ‘putting on’ the Yellow Hat to examine just the benefits attached to the issue 3. After some Yellow Hat discussion and data capture, Facilitator suggests switching to the Black Hat to get the opposite perspective. 4. The Facilitator then asks that the team switch to the Green Hat to explore different ways to address the issue. 5. After the Green Hat, Facilitator might suggest the Red Hat so that people can talk about how they feel about the issue, allowing for a controlled, emotional point of view.

6. Facilitator closes with the Blue Hat to summarize or create next steps on the issue.

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80% Rule Teams can waste a great deal of time trying to get a concept perfect. In a lean/agile environment it is okay to build out an idea to a sufficient point (80%) and then continue to move forward with the discussion. The team can always go back and clean things up more if time allows or if you need a precise definition, explanation, process map, etc. The 80% Rule helps to get just enough information to make the idea useful.

Acceptance Criteria Conditions that a story card, sprint, process improvement, new product, etc. … must satisfy to be accepted as complete. Defines when a work item is completed and working as expected. Acceptance criteria should state the intended outcome but not the solution.

As a: Bank Customer

*This example demonstrates a basic story card/user story with acceptance criteria.

I want to: Withdraw money from an ATM

So that: I don’t have to go into the bank and stand in line

Acceptance Criteria: Customer is able to withdraw cash from an ATM

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Aggregation of Marginal Gains If you consistently work to improve everything related to a certain “thing” (process, system, hobby, your life in general!) by just 1%, then over time those small gains will add up to REMARKABLE IMPROVEMENT.

Real world application: No British cyclist had never won the Tour de France. Dave Brailsford, Team Sky’s (Great Britain’s professional cycling team) new General Manager and Performance Director was tasked with changing this. Dave believed in a concept that he called the “aggregation of marginal gains” or the 1% improvement in everything you do. The idea was that if they could improve every area related to cycling by just 1%, then these small improvements would add up to profound improvements over time. Dave and his team began investigating everything from the obvious (nutrition, training programs, shape and size of the bikes and components, to the not so obvious things that the other teams overlooked (what pillow offered the best sleep, the best way to wash hands to avoid infection and viruses, massage types, etc.). They looked for improvements (even the smallest of improvements) everywhere. Dave believed that if they could improve in every aspect possible they would be in a position to win the Tour de France in five years. Remarkably, in 2012 a British cyclist won … it only took 3 years! The following year they dominated at the 2013 Olympics by winning gold medals in 70% of the cycling events.

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Backlog A high-level list of features, tasks or work that needs to be completed in a project, by business line, function, team, etc. Backlog items can be prioritized and moved over to what an individual or team will be working on next (Kanban).

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Brain Writing An efficient form of brainstorming that promotes inclusion and active engagement of all participants. Brain Writing is a powerful and effective tool for generating a lot of information in a short amount of time. In brain writing, everyone spends a short amount of time writing their ideas down. All ideas are then presented, reviewed, and discussed by the group or team.

Steps: 1) Provide participants with blank Post-It notes and markers/pens 2) Announce the topic(s) that you want to cover 3) “Time block” the writing exercise (typically 3-4 minutes) 4) Participants use the Post-It notes to write down their thoughts about the topic and stick them in a central location (wall, white board, etc.) 5) Once time expires or the writing stops take a moment to group similar comments or ideas together 6) Review the results with the group 7) Determine next steps *It’s common to do multiple Brain Writing activities in 1 session or meeting.

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Cadence The schedule of events for the team to keep them at a steady pace. This would include the planning for overall project life cycle or even just a weekly team activity.

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Continuous Improvement An ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. These efforts can seek "incremental" improvement over time or "breakthrough" improvement all at once.

Assess your current process, products, systems, etc.

Implement the improvements

Determine your action plan to make improvements

Countermeasure A counter-measure is an action or set of actions that seeks to prevent the problem arising again, while a solution just seeks to deal with the situation. Counter-measures are more robust, and focus on preventing the problem from recurring.

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Cross Correlation Board Displays elements of the business pivoted against identified challenges of the system, process, or organization. The visual representation allows the business to determine development opportunities, gauge impact, reach, and dependencies as process changes are considered.

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Customer A customer is anyone that receives or consumes goods or services. Customers can be internal (associates/co-workers, a business line, office, etc.) or external (clients, transferees, guests, etc.).

Customer Collaboration The practice of including your customer throughout the process. Only the customer can tell you what they want, and collaboration allows you to listen to their needs instead of guessing at what they need. The customer drives the requirements, prioritization, and review of work.

Deep Dive The full dissection of a process to understand each step of the process, the people involved and the systems used. This is an important first step when trying to identify areas for improvement and offers a clear view of all the individual pieces that make up the process.

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Dot Vote A quick and effective way to vote on anything (proposals, process changes, priorities, etc. List all of the things to be voted on and put them on a wall, white-board, etc. Determine a number of votes that each participant gets and then give them the opportunity to put dots next to the items that they are voting for. All participants vote at the same time. The moderator or person leading the discussion determines if participants can put more than one vote for any particular item to show they have a strong preference. Once the voting is complete, the results are tallied and reviewed by the group to determine the next steps.

Fab 5 The Fab 5 is structured to manage projects through the use of allocated roles which establishes effective team size, identifies project team responsibilities, and promotes passionate project leadership. 1) Product Owner : leader, has vision of goal of change, facilitates team agenda and meeting follow-ups, keeps right people in right positions, responsible for all communication 2) Team Member : actively participates in all team meetings, responsible for any assigned product tasks 3) SME (Subject Matter Expert): not involved in meetings unless needed, responsible to review agendas and follow-ups for their input, has input on final product, always to include global participants

4) Counselor : helps to move things along, offers 'big picture' visibility 5) Trustees : trust the product team to make the changes that are needed

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Fist to 5 A technique used to get a quick consensus from a group. Each person responds to a posed question showing the number of fingers that correlates to their feelings on the matter. Each person in the group must vote with a 3 or higher for the group to advance or for the topic to be accepted. If participants vote less than 3, they get the opportunity to explain their position and continue discussion.

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Health Indicator Chart This tool gauges the overall health and satisfaction of a current process, system or product by comparing the before and after health measurements, as experienced by the customer(s).

Ideation The process of forming ideas or images; taking place during the story mapping process.

Initiative Specific projects or programs undertaken to achieve specific objectives in the future, such as to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve sales performance.

Iterations Repeating a process or action to develop new or different form or version of something. An iteration might be made up of different sprints to accomplish the task.

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Just Enough The concept of having just enough info, data, ideas, etc. to get started or move ahead on a particular task, instead of waiting for everything before starting. This can be a powerful tool to avoid “spinning.”

Kanban A method for visually managing and scheduling work or tasks. This approach presents all participants with a full view of work that has not started, what is in process and what has been completed. + Visual depiction of workflow + Must include TO DO, DOING and DONE categories to tracking workflow + Additional categories (i.e. Backlog, Next/Staging, Review, etc.) can be included at the team’s discretion + Limit work in progress (WIP) to prevent your team from becoming overwhelmed, and keep progress continuous + Manage flow in order to allow and prepare for changes that will occur within the iteration + Visible and accessible to the entire team Essential

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Kanban (continued)

*Important - Notice the different layout of these three Kanban examples. Although they are laid out differently they all contain the main 3 components – TO DO, DOING and DONE categories. You should play around with the format of your Kanban and set it up in a way that makes the most sense to you and/or your team. Just remember to keep it simple and at a minimum include the TO DO, DOING and DONE categories. You may find it useful to include your “backlog” as well as shown in the first example.

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Minimum Viable Product (MVP) A product or process which has just the minimum amount of features to allow you to launch it to early adopters or users. The initial users will provide feedback that is considered for future iterations.

Pairing A process of joining two team members to work on a particular task or sprint. With two minds in constant collaboration, pairing encourages sharing knowledge and catching issues early by continual process review.

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Platform A structure that provides a surface from which to build upon. In the context of Dwellworks, this could be a technology base to build our operating system off of, a structure to align our corporate initiatives with our strategic plan or a framework from which to maintain/evolve our corporate culture.

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Process Change Team (PCT) Team that reviews all change submissions, determines if additional information or supporting material/data is necessary, and prioritizes them in the Project Backlog.

Process Change Scorecard Tool used to analyze a process change submission to determine overall impact, cost of implementation, risk, and more. The scores help prioritize the submission on the Project Backlog.

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Process Improvement Intake Flow The process flow from an idea into an actionable item, then to an implemented process change improvement, generated using team-driven tools.

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Process Review Team (PRT) The PRT evaluates and prioritizes process change proposals and works with the Process Change Teams (PCT) to implement incremental improvements. The PRT utilizes informed opinions and street level knowledge to move from anecdotal to data driven decision making.

Progressive Elaboration The process by which a plan, idea, process, etc. is continuously modified, detailed, and/or improved as more information becomes available.

Radiating To communicate or spread something out (a message, idea, improvement, etc.).

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Relative Sizing A quick way to go through a backlog of work and estimate the amount of time it will take to complete each item as it relates to the others.

Retrospectives (“Retro”) Meetings that take place after each iteration or sprint and are designed to help the team find ways to improve their processes and output.

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Road Map A list of the steps or processes needed to reach the intended deliverable or outcome.

Roadblock An obstacle that is standing in the way of the team. The team leader should be aware of roadblocks early so they are quickly resolved and the rest of the task can be completed in a timely manner. + Declare Roadblocks during stand up + Display Roadblocks on a wall or board that is visible to the entire team + Prioritize and complete Roadblocks in order + When in progress, there should be an owner on the card + Review Roadblocks at end of each iteration/sprint + Create an escalation process for roadblocks in the event someone needs help + If a roadblock is encountered, document it for future discussion and work on other parts of the process Roadblocks:

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Servant Leadership A servant leader is an individual who put others first. They are good communicators, collaborators, systematic thinkers, and lead with moral authority. A leader with moral authority is one who is worthy of respect, inspires trust and confidence, and establishes a quality standard for performance. They accept and delegate responsibility, share power and control, and create a culture of accountability. Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership + Person of character – maintain integrity, demonstrate humility, and serve a higher purpose + Puts people first – displays a servant's heart, is mentor-minded, and shows care and concern + Skilled communicator – demonstrates empathy, invites feedback, communicates persuasively + Compassionate collaborator – expresses appreciation, builds teams, and negotiates conflict + Foresight – visionary, displays creativity, and exercises sound judgement + System thinker – comfortable with complexity, demonstrates adaptability, and considers the "Greater Good" + with moral authority – granted by others

Show and Tell A demonstration of features completed during a sprint or iteration, providing a forum for team members, customers, and other stakeholders to review progress, provide feedback on new features, and prioritize any new changes needed to the delivered features. By using Show and Tell, teams maintain accountability to the customer.

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Solution A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.

Spark Wall A place for individuals or teams to express their ideas, suggestions, concerns and improvement recommendations with the current processes, systems, products, etc.

Spinning When too much time or effort is spent on something; inhibiting, slowing, or halting progress.

Sprint A short amount of time allotted to complete a specific amount of work, usually two to three weeks in length.

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Sprint Planning The identification and prioritization of the work that you or your team intend to complete during the sprint.

Standup Meetings Each person on the team reports BRIEFLY on what they have been working on or completed, what is currently in process/up next, and any concerns or roadblocks they are facing. Standups reduce the need for longer team meetings, encourage accountability as team members are aware of all work going on, allow for mid-course corrections, encourage the team to solve problems on their own, and help to notify managers early if there are any roadblocks. Standup meetings are intended to be quick and to provide only the necessary key points to keep the team updated. If further discussion is required, you should meet with the appropriate party or parties at another time to continue discussions.

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Story Mapping A Story map should be completed before you start the project, and includes every feature you want in your product. A story map is categorized by size, then grouped together by features that are linked or related.

Essentials: + Early stage of progressive elaboration + Team uses note cards to depict the features and their flow in the system + Start at the highest level and continue down into user stories, then into features + Features are organized by value order and prioritization + A good tool for getting people to think through what they are asking for

Story Writing Highest level in the ideation process and should be completed first. It includes every feature you want in your product. A story map is categorized by size, then grouped together by features that are linked or related.

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Story Card/User Story Short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system. They typically follow a simple template: “As a , I want so that ”. User stories are often written on index cards or sticky notes and arranged on walls or tables to facilitate planning and discussion. As such, they strongly shift the focus from writing about features to discussing them. In fact, these discussions are more important than whatever text is written.

As a: Bank Customer I want to: Withdraw money from an ATM

So that: I don’t have to go into the bank and stand in line Acceptance Criteria: Customer is able to withdraw cash from an ATM

T-Shaped Person A person is someone who has deep, thorough understanding, experience and skill in one particular function, discipline or specialty with a breadth of knowledge and competence across a broad range of areas. The vertical bar of the T represents depth of expertise while the horizontal bar represents breath of knowledge.

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TeamAgreement Identifies what can be disruptive or positive to the team and how each will be addressed, and how they will hold each other accountable.

Time Box Allocating a fixed amount of time to work or focus on a planned activity. An example of this would be Time Boxing a Brainwriting activity with your team.

User Experience (UX) A person’s total experience using a particular product, system or service.

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Value Stream Mapping A visual representation of the overall operational process from start to finish, providing an opportunity to identify gaps, potential inefficiencies, spins, and identifying strong value points to promote idea generation for process change improvements. + The target service + A current state value stream map illustrating current steps, delays and information flows required to deliver the target service + Assess the current state value stream map in terms of creating flow and eliminating waste + Construct a future state value stream map. Creating a value stream map that demonstrates the desired outcome or process Essential:

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Velocity A measure of how much work is getting done on your project. To measure the project velocity, you simply add up the estimates of the user stories that were finished during the iteration. It's just that simple. You also total up the estimates for the tasks finished during the iteration. Both of these measurements are used for iteration/sprint planning.

Sprint 7

Sprint 5

Sprint 6

Sprint 1

Sprint 4

Sprint 3

Sprint 2

Sprint 8

Sprint 9

Sprint 10

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Dwellworks Corporate Headquarters 1317 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115

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