Alcala Yearbook 2003

S..11K.tJ,,, Sc·r 1tc111Lx:r I: Celebrat– ing Differences Session. Hea lthy Choices Session, and "He Said- She Said" Program.

As carloads of freshmen poured into

the freshmen dorms , the 0-Team leaders

anxiously waited for their beloved 0-Week to begin. Orientation week is designed to accli– mate incoming freshmen to the rigors and stresses of co llege life. During this week, freshmen are en– couraged to participate in such events as Day on the Green, a trip to a Padres game, the traditional USO square dance, a Hawaiian luau, and many other school sponsored activi– ties . These events work to initiate introduc– tions to fellow c lassmates, with the hopes of creating friendships and bonds that will aid freshmen during the trials and tribulations of the first year of col lege. Freshmen , we hope that you enjoyed 0-Week, and 0-Team, thanks for another great year! To everyone, good luck and welcome to the 2002-2003 academic school year.

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