Alcala Yearbook 2003

Memori es th at las t a lifetime are c re– ated during your years at USO. Knowl edge

I\IUJ111ll Rcl~.1tior1S is ga ined that will contribute to yo ur success th roughout your profess iona l life. The fo un– dati ons for enduring fri endships are buil t. The mi ss ion of the USO A lumni Asso– c iati on is to create and nurture a life long re la– ti onship between the Uni ve rsity and its a lumni . We accompli sh thi s th rough ongo ing commu– ni cat ion, recogniti on programs, a vari ety of soc ia l and profess iona l events, as we ll as ex– c lu sive alumni benefit s. USO has grown to be an inte rnati on– all y recogni zed leader in pri vate educati on. Ranked as one of the top pri vate uni ve rsiti es in the country, we a re proud of what we have accompli shed during our first 53 years of ex– istence . These di stincti ons woul d not have been poss ibl e without our a lumni . We depend upon alumni all over the world to give of the ir s~ill s, time, and fin ancial support to ensure the USO experi ence is enhanced, ava il abl e, and affo rdabl e fo r the generati ons o f student s to fo ll ow. The offi ce of Alumni Re lati ons is lo– cated in Gu ada lu pe Ha ll , room 20 I, in the center of campus. We want to stay in touch with you, so pl ease keep your current address on fi le so you will continue to rece ive informa– ti on regarding Homecoming, cl ass reuni ons, and the annua l Chri stmas Mass. To update yo ur address, or if you would like more infor– mati on about alumni benefit s and programs in your area, pl ease contact us by calling (6 19) 260-48 19 or 1-800-248-4873 x7 or send an ema il to a lumni @sandi ego .edu .

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