Alcala Yearbook 2003

T he United Front (UF) is the umbrella organi 1.ati on for the 111ultirnltural club~ 0 11 the USO campu~. The-.e club-. inc lude: the As ian Student Assoc iati on. the Assoc iati on o r Chi cana Ac ti v ish . the Bl ack Student Uni on. ---Utmi frait the Fil ipi no Ugnayan St udent Organi zati on. the Jew i-. h Student U ni on. Mov irni ent o Estudi antil Chi cano/a de Az. tlan. and PRIDE. These multicultural clu b~ are ~tudent organi 1.ati on~ th at wo rk together toward the promot ion or di ve r~ity. -.pec iri ca ll y 111 ulti culturali s111 in the USO co111111unity. Th se clubs wo rk toge ther toward thi s goal by educating the USO communit y through a vari ety o r programs. T he Un ited Front Multi cultural Cent er (UFMC) wa~ es tab li~hed in 199~ and hou ses the~e nine organi 1.ati ons. It -.e rves as an educational resource. an organi 1.ational mee ting place and a relaxa ti on lounge. not _ju st fo r the mem– ber~ o r the nine organi zati ons. but ror the whole USO community . The UFMC has a large student stall consisting o r twe l ve undergraduate wo rk ers and two Graduat e A-.~ istanh who wo rk th rough an internship program. With the D i rec tor or the U nited Front Multicultural Ce nter. Guada lupe Corona. Program Coo rdi nator. A ugustin Garibay . and the ,tudent stall o f the FMC. we work toward the goa ls th at rell ec t those o r the UF organi1.ation. As a resource ce nt er. the UFMC has a 111 oderate ly-s i1.ed library w ith books. v ideos. and periodi ca ls foc using on the issue~ or di ve r- ~i ty. lso through the UFM C. there are many opportuniti es for sc ho larships and employment. Being a member of the United Front and its organi 1.ati ons not onl y pro v ides academi c ass istance but also prov ides a famil y. With thi s famil y there is a -.ense o r co rnrort and support. Simp ly sa id. it is home away from ho111 e. Since each organi za tion has educati onal mee tin gs for the student body there is an opportunity to learn about many different cultures and traditi on-. . as we ll as mee t new peopl e.

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