Alcala Yearbook 2003

Rvan.., Van.Aman1- VP c{ Progranm1ing

The job or VP of Programming has its ups and downs. but it turns out to be the bes t job that Associated Students offers. as I have the mos t interacti on with the team. Through the yea r. I help to organi ze. plan . and coordinate the programs that are put on by AS. Programming i. a very diffi cult j ob to do because there are so many littl e detail s th at can th row off an entire event. but with the grea t team th at I wo rk with thi s year has bee n fa nt as ti c !

·Rooo.t t\leighlutrs- W d Multi(ultural Rdations

As VP of Multi cultu ra l Relati ons. I chair the Multi cultural Relati ons Board and work cl ose ly with the Unit ed Front multicultu ra l organi zati ons. My primary task is to be an advoca te and vo ice for the students who fee l sil enced. under repr sented. or exc luded at USD. Two spec ifi c groups that I have worked with are the Eth nic Studies Student Committee and the Hate Crimes Task Fo rce. I am respons ibl e fo r maintaining and programming the Multi cultu ra l Relati ons Budget and deve loping the Unit ed Front Multi cultu ra l Cal endar. I sit on variou · boa rds including AS Senate. SACBOT. the United Front Pres idents' Council. AS Exec uti ve Boa rd . and others.

Jbrahin1 8-~itb VP c{ Acadernics As the Vi ce Pres ident of Academi cs. lbrahim ·s responsibilities include ac ting a!:, a liaison between the students. raculty. and admini stra ti on. and promoting academi c integ rity on a campus-w ide bas is. Students are able to rai se concern s about academic poli cies. procedures. and other related matters lo the faculty and admini . trati on through the VP or A cademics. The spec ifi c areas of responsibiliti es include: ac ti ve ly seeking to secure the opini ons and conce rn s of the students regarding academi c affairs. representing the . tudenl body 10 the fac ulty/administra li on in academi c mailers. serving as the AS li aison 10 the Provos t and Academ ic Dean~ of th Uni versity . work ing cl ose ly w ith the Direel or o f Academi c Issues 10 tack le academ ic issue. on a regular bas is and communi cate them 10 the student body. serving as the Student Repre~entali ve lo the Uni ve rsity Senate. Academic Assemb ly. Uni versity Honor Council. Student A ffairs and Academic A ffairs Commillee~ or the Board o f Tru stees. Grade Gri evance Committee. Dean · Council. and other rac ully and admin– istrati ve committee s.

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