Alcala Yearbook 2003

Jcssic:1 s~1undcrs ~ind N~1thali~1 Osorio– Senior ScriJtors

As Seni or Senators of the Assoc iated Students, Jess ica Saunders and Nathali a Osorio work together to build a unique experi ence for the senior class , as they approac h graduation in their las t yea r at USO. Through programs including monthl y Happy Hours, helpful career-oriented workshops, and other organi zed events around the San Di ego area, the Seni or Senators hope to build community within their class . They al so sit on the Student Issue. Board, the Budget Committee, and the Assoc iated Students Senate. Eac h senator works on indi vidual issues pertaining to the _tudent body as they ari se. Jess ica has foc used on building an awareness of workers' ri ghts, as they relate to the Uni ve rsity, whil e Nathali a has successfully addre ·sed many Dining Services iss ue .

R.c1g~1n__Jooc- Sopho,norc SctiJtor

The job of the Sophomore Senator is to go to mee ting conce rn– ing the iss ues of the sophomore class. These meetings include Student Issues Board , Senate and Budget Committees . Thi s year, the focus has been on fi xing tram problems and working with Publi c Safe ty to make everything run smoothl y. Al so on the agenda for the Sophomore Senator is passing and reviewing legislati on for the Senate. The job of Senator requires you to attend all Senate meeting · and vo te the vo ice of the class. The final part of the j ob is vo icing the opini on of the class when clubs and organi zati ons come to the Budge t Committee. It i. required that the committee choose how much, if any, money is give n. Dealing with a limited budge t can be di ffi cult. but it is part of what the job requires. We all do what we can in good fa ith to make the ri ght choi ce fo r the committee.

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