Alcala Yearbook 2003

,r-\lc-J111dro ( _astn .. 1- Director of \llulti"-L-rltur~1l Is~rc:s

As the Director of Multicultu ra l Issues, I addres the multi cultu ra ll y related concern and needs of the USO students. This directorship is acti ve ly invol ved in the fi ght aga inst hate crimes and bi ased rel ated incidents on campu . Al so, 1 vo ice student issues, concern . and ideas with a multi cultural foc us and promote multicultu ral awareness. Basicall y, thi s positi on translate into a lot of meeting , about 5-7 per week. This parti cul ar direc tor hip require a lot of pass ion fo r what you are doing and a very strong commitment and dedicati on to people, as you know that what you are do ing is going to make a di ffe rence.

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As thi s year· Hi ·torian, Maria ha worked dil igentl y to cover a many event · as pos ible. She trove to include as many people and event in the scrapbook, making a point to include those who have been left out in the past. In additi on to taking pictures for the scrapbook and the web-s ite, Mari a al o at on the Marketing Boa rd where she gave her input on new idea fo r marketing AS events. She also was the liaison with the yearbook staff, providing them with pictures whenever needed. Maria created a video and slide show presentat ion howcasing the best moments of2002-2003 . Her work he lped to document the year, along with help from her Scrapbook Commi ttee.

\!like Ai igcll- Director of £-x-i~1l ls~ics

By day , humbl e student Mike Angell , by ni ght I become Soc ial I ues Boy, using my super-powers to rai se social awareness and re pons ibility on campus. Fas ter than a speeding Nayve, more powerful than a Viper, I get through meetings with a single yawn . As Soc ial Issues Director, I work with the Soc ial Issue Committee to bring in programs to addres oc ia l, peace, and j usti ce i sues. I al o work with groups on campus for soc ial justi ce in our own community. Thi · year, the Soc ial Issues Team ha worked hard to addres di ver ity, hate crime , war, sexual assault. and many other i sue that have hit our students close to home.

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