Alcala Yearbook 2003

Jcur Chi~lpctt~- Director s~~ci~11 Pro,tccts

As Director of Special Projects, I have the unique opportunity to be in charge of AS philanthropi c project . I arranged an excell ent charity drive in Decem– ber called the "Giving Tree" and all of the donations were given to local San Diego charities. I also get to fundrai se and disperse funds for the SMILE (Students Making it a Little Ea ier) Award. The money come from tudent and benefits student . Let' not forget to party ... I cochair both Winter Wonderland and Spring Fest too! All in all , I've loved being your Director of Special Projects !

Christv \!Ve~tcott, J~lSOIL\!V~111J111~1kcr, ~11x.i Fred Gr~11x.i- Dire("tor ~11x.i Co-l-\ssi~t~111t Directors of M~u'k.. cti1,g' '- As the Director and Co-Assistant Directors of Marketing, Christy, Jason, and Fred developed marketing campaign to increa e the student body ' s awareness of on-campus events. If you've seen one of the many AS flyers covering the walls of the UC, chances are they were the masterminds behind it. They designed posters, flyers , t-shirts, event ad in the Vista, and commercials on USO TV. They were responsible for updating information on the Deli Board and developing promotional advertisements. Their talents were not limjted to AS events though , as they created marketing materials for other student groups on campus. They worked with the Banner Club to provide banner for USO clubs and organizations, as well as helped market for the organizations of the United Front, USO Athletic , USO Career Services, the Women ' s Center, and Greek Life. They al o headed weekly Marketing Board meetings to brainstorm ideas for upcoming events and to gather ideas from representatives of AS and other student organizations. Through these efforts, Christy, Jason, and Fred have helped to make AS a positive impact on the USO student community.

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