Alcala Yearbook 2003

My job is to oversee the administration of : ports clubs on campus. Each club has a yearly operating budget, and ba. ed on that. I all ocate A fund . to the indi idual sport. clubs . I am the chairman of the Sports Club Council. the governing body of the clubs. and my role is Lo keep the clubs on track fi sca ll y and in their operations. In my position. I am responsibl e for advocating the views of the Sports Club Council at AS Senate meeting.. r also sit on the Student issues Board where I perform the ·ame dutie ·. The AS Secretary of Athletics also serves on the Athletics Commillee ror the Board of Trustee. (ACBOT). My pos itio n is responsible for providing students· concerns. as related to athletics. to thi s committee.

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As Graduate As. i. tant s we each advi se five student direc tor. wi thin As. oci – ated Student ·. Breanne is the advi sor for the Direc tors of Academi c Progra– mming. Corporate Relations, Cultural Arts, Film Forum. and Social. Lauren is the advisor for the Directors of Athletic Programming. Arts & Express ion, Hi storian. Showcase. and Special Projec ts. We mee t with each indi vidual director, ass ist them in developing committees and establi shing goa ls for the year. att end program board meetings. and attend and advise all of the director· ·




Myjob is to maintain the overall organization and running of the AS Executi ve Office. I wo rk with the AS President and Executive Board in maintaining the organi zation and communi cati on of the leadership team. In addition , I hire and manage the AS Executive Offi ce secretaries. who take minutes and do misce ll aneous tasks. as needed for the leadership team. My positi on is responsible for taking and typing the AS Senate meeting minutes. I also 1 organi ze the directorship application and interview proce s whene er there is a vacant directorship position .

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