FBINAA.ORG | Q2 2024

Jeff McCormick

A s I sit down to write this letter, the members of NA Session 290 are arriving on campus. Over the next 10 weeks, they will use this rigorous academic setting to examine the toughest issues facing law enforcement today, learn to improve their men tal and physical fitness, and form bonds that will last a lifetime. Tomorrow, they will meet in the auditorium for the first time as a group, and many dedicated people will take the stage to tell them what to expect over the next 10 weeks. My turn on the stage tomorrow will be unique, however, as I try to prepare them for what happens after the 10 weeks are over. My goal will be to explain to them that when their time in Quantico is over, their National Academy experience is not. The FBI National Academy is the greatest institution of law enforce ment executive leadership development in the world. There are a limited number of opportunities to attend the NA, and those who graduate from the NA are recognized as leaders throughout the law enforcement community. As a result, the FBI National Academy Associates, made up exclusively of NA graduates, is the world’s strongest law enforcement leadership network. This FBINAA network is composed of men and women in various stages of life : recent (and not-so-recent) graduates who are still in sworn service to their communities, second career working professionals, and those who are reaping the many ben efits of a full (and hopefully long) retirement. It is the experiences, perspectives, and memories of all these groups that enables the FBINAA to carry on the mission of the NA long after the 10 weeks at the academy. FBINAA membership is a lifetime journey.

Whether you are a member of the FBINAA, a sponsor who helps us fulfill our mission, or a participant in one of our training programs, the FBINAA National Office looks forward to working with you and ensuring the legacy of a short 10 weeks continues to evolve into this planet’s most impactful and beneficial associa tion of law enforcement leaders.

See you in Kansas City in July!


Jeff McCormick FBINAA Executive Director



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