Sam Benson Unit Chief, Leadership Education Unit NATIONAL ACADEMY UPDATE

FBINAA.ORG | Q2 2024

A s the unit chief for the Leadership Education Unit, the instructors who support the National Academy, I have a unique insight into the curriculum and the passion displayed day in and day out by some of the most beloved instructors to walk the halls of the second floor in Building 5. I wanted to share with you a little bit about our purpose. Our unit symbol is the bee. Among nature’s pollinators, the wind, birds, butterflies, bees are the most prolific. These small insects travel around the habitat picking up pollen and deliver ing it to another flower. This process creates a large portion of the fruits and vegetables we eat. It is estimated up to 90 percent of all grown food would be lost without bees. Food cannot grow without them. Similarly, our instructors pick up ideas that are delivered in class during each NA Session. This happens through conver sation, discussions, and student’s shared vulnerabilities. They create an environment where these ideas flow freely from one department to the other and a hive is created. The students in turn take their great ideas and share them among their depart ment. We consider this distribution of ideas to be a lifetime contract with the students to share knowledge whenever and wherever they can.

The unit motto is “For good.” We use these two words to describe the impact we seek to have on every student’s life. The phrase has a double meaning; “for good” as in, for the better, and for good as in, forever. We seek to have a maximum, posi tive, enduring impact on our students as police leaders, parents, sons/daughters, spouses, and retirees. We realize the significance and difficulty these commitments represent and pursue those goals with passion and humility. This responsibility is intimidating and exciting and we appreciate your ongoing support. The best students make the best programs, and we have had the very best students since 1935.


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