and control tactics, firearms, narcotics investigations, and tactical training for his agency. Matthew has served as a supervisor in patrol, narcotics, street crimes units, and as the Patrol Executive Officer. He has received cer tifications in force analysis through the Force Science Institute, Critical Incident Review, and Advanced Human Factors through the Association of Force Investigators. Matthew currently serves as the Use of Force Review Unit Commander and consults nationally regarding use of force review and analysis unit development. Sergeant Sean Ryan is with the New Castle County Police Department. I attended the University of Delaware, and I have 14 years of experience with the New Castle County Police Department. I have a primarily operational background in policing and have served in various units including the patrol division as an officer and supervi sor, Mobile Enforcement Team(street crimes unit), as well as undercover narcotics for several years. I am a certi fied police instructor and am one of the use of force and control tactics instructors for the division. I am currently a member of the Division’s Use of Force Review Unit where we identify trends and review all individual uses and displays of force. We are also responsible for conducting departmental use of force training and compiling the division’s annual statistics and report regarding use of force. Life Beyond the Badge: Leveraging One’s Experience and Interests to Maximize Your “Second-Act” Daniel Hoffman , Principal, Hoffman Consulting; FBINA Graduate Session 225 While it is somewhat unfortunate, the sad truth is that many highly-skilled and accomplished law enforcement practitioners, managers, and executives critically undervalue the breadth of their ac cumulated experience, failing to examine potential opportunities and map-out effective transition al plans that could open new and exciting doors in their future. In this training, retired police chief, risk manager, and author Daniel Hoffman illustrates the importance of preparing for one’s retire ment from active law enforcement, formulating effective strategies designed to take full advantage of one’s accumulated skill sets, abilities, and passions. A graduate of the FBI National Academy’s 225th session, Daniel Hoffman received his Master’s degree from the University of Alaska in Justice and Public Administration while serving as Chief of Police for the City of Fair banks. Following his retirement from a 20-year law enforcement career, Daniel entered the world of private industry, serving for over a decade as the Risk Management and Security Supervisor for Alaska’s Pogo gold mine through the successive ownership of three international companies: Canada’s Teck Resources, Japan’s Sumitomo Metal Mining, and Australia’s Northern Star Resources. As a passionate and lifelong fly fisherman, Daniel authored “An Alaska Flyfisher’s Odyssey” in 2021, exploring the many facets of the flyfisher’s world and examining their applicability to other areas of life. The platform created by such examinations have led to Daniel’s growing popularity as a keynote speaker and corporate pre senter, where he addresses topics including effective leadership and team-building.



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