ProGARM Catalogue


You can find more detailed information regarding the above EN standards at the back of the brochure.

RIS-3279 Rail industry standard - high visibility clothing

EN 1149-5 Protective clothing – electrostatic properties

EN 61482-2 Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of electric arc

EN ISO 11611 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes

EN ISO 20471 High visibility clothing - testing methods and requirements

EN ISO 14116 Protection against heat & flame - limited flame spread

EN ISO 11612 Clothing to protect against heat and flame

EN 13034 Protective clothing against liquid chemicals

EN 14404 Personal protective

EN 342 Protective clothing – protection against cold

equipment, knee protectors for work in the kneeling position

EN 343 Protective clothing – protection against rain

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