The Gazette 1911-12


DECEMBER, 1911] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Soeietjrof Ireland.

MR. JAMES BRADY: We will "wait and see." (Laughter.) K THE PRESIDENT : I am afraid that is what you will have to do. I now put to the meeting the motion for the adoption of the Report. THE PRESIDENT: The Report is adopted. MR. ARTHUR E. BRADLEY (Vice- President) having been moved to the second chair, MR. R. S. REEVES said : I know it is on everyone's mind that we ought to give great thanks to our outgoing President. (Hear, hear). He has done everything he could for us. I had the privilege of acting under him several times, and no one could have behaved better in his Presidential office. I don't think you could have had a better President. Therefore, I beg to propose that the best thanks of the Society be given to him for the manner in which he presided to-day, as well as for the manner in which he has dis charged all the duties of his office. MR. CRAIG : I beg to second the vote of thanks. I am perfectly certain the President has done everything he could to keep the interests of the Solicitors' profession well to the front. MR. BRADLEY then put the vote of thanks, which was passed with acclamation. THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Reeves and gentlemen, I thank you most warmly for the very kind words you have said about me. My task has been made easy and light by the loyalty of my fellow-members of the Council. I do not think there is a more loyal body anywhere than is this Council to their President for the time being, and I thank you all sincerely for the great assistance which you have given me all through my year of office, without which it would have been impossible for me to have discharged my duties. (Applause.) The proceedings then terminated. Meetings of the Council. November 1st. The late Mr. R. P. Vowell. It was resolved that an expression of the deep sympathy of the Council should be conveyed to Mrs. Vowell upon the occasion of the death of her husband, Mr. R. P.

Vowell, an official of the Irish Land Com mission, with whom members of the profes sion frequently came into contact, Retirement of Mr. W. H. Drennan, I.S.O. The following resolution was adopted, and a copy was directed to be sent to Mr. Drennan :— " The Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland have learned with much regret that Mr. W. H. Drennan, I.S.O., has ceased to be First Assistant Registrar in the Registry of Deeds Office, Dublin, a post which he has so ably filled for many years." Mr. Drennan was an officer with whom it was a pleasure to transact business. He was both efficient and painstaking, and the Council wish to place on record their keen appreciation of the courtesy which he always showed and the kind assistance he gave to Solicitors whose business brought them into contact with him in the Registry of Deeds Office. Registration of Title Office. A letter was read in reply from Mr. Justice Madden expressing his agreement with the resolution of the Council in reference to the necessity of an immediate increase of the staff in the Registration of Title Office, and stating he had sent a copy of it to the Treasury in support of his application for an increased staff,which application he had made more than once previously. A letter was read in reply from the Under Secretary for Ireland stating that His Excellency had been informed by the Treasury that an increase to the staff of the Land Registry had been sanctioned. Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. A letter in reply was read from the English Law Society stating that the Council of that Society had recommended the profession to charge for the filling of Form IV. on a quantum meruit basis. It was resolved that the Council should make a similar recommendation to the pro fession in Ireland. Court of Examiners. The Report of the Court of Examiners upon the October Preliminary and Final Examina tions and as to the award of the Findlater

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