The Gazette 1946-49

mas Sittings, 1932, and subsequently became an Examiner in the Land Registry. He was appointed Legal Adviser to the Land Commission and Public Trustee in 1941. Since 1937 he has held the office of Special Examiner to this Society for the Inter– mediate and Final Examinations. OBITUARY MR. ARCHIBALD CLARKE, died at his residence, 52 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, on nth June, 1947- Mr. Clarke served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Smyth, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1897, and practised at 52 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. THE REGISTRY Section B. YOUNG SOLICITOR with 10 years' experience, excellent refer– ences and a strict T. T. seeks a partnership in City or country office, or would be interested in a good practice. Apply Box. No. B. 127. WILL SOUGHT JOHN J. ATKINSON, late of 5 Adelaide Street, Dun Laoghaire, late Accountant on the staff of Messrs. Stokes Bros, and Pirn, Deceased. Will any person having information as to the preparation or whereabouts of any Will of the above named deceased please communicate with the undersigned, to whom particulars of any claims against the estate should be sent. VALENTINE E. KIRWAN, Solicitor, 3/5 Suffolk Street, Dublin.

Golf Club. The toast of " the Captain of the Society" was proposed by J. J. Hickey, who referred to the keen interest the Captain had always taken in the Society, and thanked him for the very handsome prize (a pair of silver-backed hair brushes) which he had presented. In the course of his reply the Captain referred to the resignation of the Hon. Treasurer of the Society (T. D. McLoughlin) and paid a tribute to the number of years service he had so ably given to the Society. The toast of Mullingar Golf Club was proposed by P. R. Boyd, who expressed the thanks of the Society to the Club for their hospitality and the excellent arrangements which had been made for the success of the outing and the comfort of the visitors. Major Tottenham and J. R. Downes suitably replied. The Lady Associates did not remain for the Dinner, but the toast of the Ladies was proposed by T. A. O'Reilly and replied to by J. H. McCarroll. The Autumn Meeting will be held at a Dublin venue in October. Solicitors wishing to join the Society should communicate with the Hon. Secretary, A. Marshall, 119 Stephen's Green W., Dublin. APPOINTMENT MR. JOSEPH F. SHIELDS has been appointed Irish Consul in New York. He was admitted in Michael–

The Solicitors9 Benevolent Association

The Association which operates throughout the whole of Ireland, cares for Solicitors, their wives, widows and families who have fallen on hard times. Last year over £1,300 was distributed in relief. Additional subscriptions, donations and bequests are urgently needed to continue and extend the Association's work. The active co-operation of the Profession in the Association's good work is asked for and all

who are not members are urged to join without delay. Membe'ship Subscription: £i is. od. (or 10/6 // admitted less than

ios. od.

3 years) a year. £10

life membership.





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