STACK #133 Nov 2016





The title will bring a smile to the face of longtime Bond fans – it's the nefarious organisation run by Ernst Stavro Blofeld that featured in the 007 films of the 1960s. So, will Daniel Craig's encounter in the 24th Bond film be worth the wait? With Skyfall director Sam Mendes back calling the shots, Monica Bellucci as a Bond girl, Christoph Waltz as the villain, and Grammy-winner Sam Smith crooning the theme song, the writing's on the wall. Nov 12 . SPECTRE

Steven Spielberg’s latest Cold War thriller again thrusts a mild-mannered and noble Tom Hanks into enemy territory just in time for the awards season. BRIDGE OF SPIES RELEASED: Now Showing DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg CAST: Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Alan Alda RATING: M

Vin Diesel is the immortal of the title, tasked with destroying a coven in modern day New York. And Michael Caine is in it! So is Ygritte from Game of Thrones . The hunt begins Oct 29 . THE LAST WITCH HUNTER

A n M-rated Cold War film alludes to many chats in icy conditions as opposed to action-packed espionage akin to Michael Caine in thick-rimmed glasses. Thus are the conditions under which you approach Spielberg’s exceptionally authentic vision of a by-the-book lawyer, James Donovan (Hanks), being asked to defend a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ Soviet spy (Rylance) arrested on US soil. So exceptional is Donovan’s dedication to a proper moral treatment and trial for the accused (against all popular opinion), he’s soon hired by the CIA to help broker a secret international exchange between a captured US spy pilot and his own cards-to-the-chest client. So off to chaotic East Berlin we go, where things get even more complicated when a second US citizen detained behind enemy lines seems to be a lesser priority for Uncle Sam – but not to good ‘ol super lawyer Donovan (cue the string section, shoot upwards, puff out chest… you get the idea). There’s no question that when it comes to cinematic perfection, Spielberg manages to capture the essence of a period drama with sheer visual excellence. The opening sequence aboard a subway, between undercover agents and the accused "spy", is so incredibly real and immersive, it’s a magic formula to filmmaking this one director seemingly has the universal patent on. Yet what’s grating about this two-hours- plus tale of American virtue and ‘fair-play

versus prejudice' Hallmark Card morality is the casual nature of the narrative against such extreme situations. No, this doesn’t deserve any Oscars for acting, script, direction or the film itself (give it to production design instead, give ‘em two in fact) – it’s frankly so join-the- dots in a lazy, ‘let’s play a board game ‘cos it’s raining outside’ fashion, you'll feel like you’re watching a documentary for school kids rather than a thriller of any shape. Granted, it’s a dull educational flick that looks a billion dollars with huge names popping in and out like gophers on Bill Murray’s favourite green, but to flag-wave and gush about the brilliance of such a flat delivery with amazing possibilities (even a street gang mugging seems like a civil exchange in a gentlemen’s club) is just lemming territory. Hanks practically walks through the entire film like a slightly grumpy, but well mannered, guest on set. No real emotional engagement, fear, or ripples of discovery on that face whatsoever – it’s bloody Berlin in the ‘50s, a seriously dangerous place! Plus, this was apparently co-written by the Coen Bros. Really!? A great story for the half price blue rinse set, this is shiny play-it-safe Oscar bait from a master craftsman capable of so much more. Watch the edge-of-your-seat Munich afterwards if you need to cleanse your pallet. . Chris Murray

Rocky: The Next Generation. In this franchise spin-off, Sly's iconic boxer trains the son of former rival Apollo Creed, Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan). Lace up the gloves on Nov 26 CREED


This time it's war! In the final chapter of the YA series, Katniss Everdeen brings the fight to President Snow's doorstep in the Capitol – and it's going to be epic. Let's hope the odds be ever in her favour on Nov 19 .

FURTHER VIEWING: Munich, Saving Private Ryan



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