USD Baseball 1998

Torero Athletic Fund Donors Mr. & Mrs. James Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Amundson Elizabeth Ashworth Ms. Mary Lou LoPresti Mr. & Mrs. Mark Manor

Hon. Finlay & Mr. Marrinan Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mazone Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mazone Kevin & Michelle McCarthy Grace & Dick McElhaney Mr. & Mrs. Liam McGee Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Miadich Mr. & Mrs. David Milanesi Mr. Michael Miller Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Moyer Mr. John Mullen Mr. & Mrs. John Mulligan Mr. Gary Mryon Mr. David Navarro Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nenadal Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Norman Mr. Jaime Paredes Captain & Mrs. Dale Pingree Mr. & Mrs. John Powers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reese Mr. David Rolls Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. William Schoen Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schramm Ms. Shelley Schwartzburd Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sciacca Mr. Dick Serrano Mr. Charlie Setzler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sizer Mr. & Mrs. Louis Skertich , Jr. Mr. Louis Skertich, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Slania Mr. Donald Slater Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Slevin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stepner Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stumpfl Mr. Tom Tereschuk Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Thielman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Trafton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vallecorsa Mr. & Mrs. John Wathan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wilbur Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilbur, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Larry Willette Mr. Richard Wright

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Babbitt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barres Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Battilega Mr. & Mrs. John Baumgarten Marty and Judy Bell Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boone Mr. & Mrs. James Breen Mr. Thomas Brown Mrs. Janet Burgus Mr. Christopher Bwy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cammall Mr. Charles Caruso Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cecil Mr. Jan Chapman Mr. Christopher Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Collins Mr. & Mrs. David Cox Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Crane Mr. & Mrs. Alfio Crema Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Crema Mr. John Cunningham Ms. Michelle Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. William Curran Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Davis Mr. & Mrs. Steven DeGennaro Mr. & Mrs. James Diani Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Endsley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Engel Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson Mr. Tom Ferrara Ms. Joan Fitzgerald Dr. Eric Gaylord Mr. & Mrs. Allen Giese Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilligan Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gray Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greer Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Hart Prof. Anne Hendershott Mr. & Mrs. David Heppell Mr. Kevin Herde Ms. Susan Higgins Mr. & Mrs. John Holt Mr. & Mrs. William Ismay Mr. Howard Klein Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leuthard Mr. Timothy Leyden

USD Corporate Sponsors American Airlines Bank of America City Rent-A-Car Cloud 9 Shuttle Coca Cola Mesa Distributing Company, Inc. Mission Valley Hilton Town & Country Resort Hotel PowerBar -42-

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