QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts


O1.1 Huge Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid heat capacities of 3 He films formed in 3D nanopore N. Wada(1), T. Matsushita(1), T. Nishida(1), Y. Tsuchiya(1), Y. Hara(1), M. Hieda(2) 1)Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan 2)Col. of Lib. Arts & Sci., Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., 2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa, 272-0827, Japan We measured heat capacity C of 3 He film formed in 3D nanopore whose pores 2.7nm in diameter are connected with the 3D period 5.5nm. A very thin 3 He film adsorbed on a 4 He layer preplated on nanopore wall shows the specific heat of the 3D Boltzmann gas to 26mK, the lowest temperature measured. With increasing the 3 He coverage, C approaches to linear in T at the low temperatures, suggesting the degenerate state of the 3D Fermi gas/liquid. The observed γ -value at a large 3 He coverage becomes much larger than that of the bulk 3 He liquid. At another thickness of the preplated 4 He layer, C/T becomes proportional to -log T that is a typical dependence of the non-Fermi liquid. O1.2 Theory for a multi-chamber superfluid Helmholtz resonator and superfluid fraction+ Gasparini, F. M., Thomson, R. D. Department of Physics, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA We report resonances in superleaks consisting of three chambers formed by direct bonding of Si wafers. A theory is presented for the resonances and compare with the experimental superfluid fraction. The theory follows that of Rayleigh for an open two–chamber gas Helmholtz resonator. One constructs a Lagrangian for the system and derives the equations of motion. The equation for the resonant frequency is sixth order. Solutions are obtained using the known dimensions of the resonators. This theory allows one to separate the superfluid fraction effects which are hydrodynamic in origin from effects which involve correlation-length coupling among films of different thickness. These correlation-length effects are described by a new kind of finite-size scaling [1]. [1] Stephen R. D. Thomson, Justin K. Perron and Francis M. Gasparini, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. +Work supported by NSF, DMR-1101189; M. L. Rustgi Professorship Endowment.


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