
THE FBINAA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION & 5.11's ST. MICHAEL PROJECT O ur Charitable Foundation has a long history of doing amaz- ing things for our members in need. To remain prepared to Chuck Hauber 5.11 Director of Strategic Channels and member of the Board of Directors of the FBINAA Charitable Foundation

assist our membership, the Board works hard raising money to ensure it is there when you need it. Much of the operating funds of the Foundation are from individual and sponsor donations. 5.11 began donating to the Foundation several years ago with the proceeds from their annual Kilt sales. The Kilts were a big hit and we had a lot of fun with them but, all good things come to an end. When the Kilt sales slowed down, 5.11 was forced to cease production and began searching for the next great thing to drive sales and fund the annual donation check. To date, 5.11 has donated over $160,000. THE ST. MICHAEL PROJECT St. Michael is the patron Saint of Law Enforcement Officers. Many of us have spent our careers wearing a St. Michael medal- lion or carrying a prayer card with the belief that he would watch over and protect us as we carried out our duties. With that in mind, 5.11 and our Foundation saw this as something that would resonate with the membership and, therefore, a perfect and meaningful replacement for the Kilts. Working with the National Office in Quantico, 5.11 unveils a new St. Michael Tee shirt every year at the FBINAA Conference. After the Conference, Renee Reynolds continues to sell the St. Michael Tee Shirt in the FBI Academy FBINAA Store. 5.11 also produces a St. Michael Patch based on that year’s Tee Shirt design and sells them in all the 5.11 Retail locations. Prior to the annual Conference, 5.11 tallies up the Tee Shirt and patch sales for that year to determine the amount of the donation to the Foundation. The largest donation yet was this year in Phoenix when the Foundation was presented a check for $31,511. This is particularly exciting because this was only the second year for the St. Michael Project. With the help of the membership, the check should be even larger next year! Your Foundation always appreciates your direct donations but another way to help is to buy the Tee Shirt. Please keep it in mind when you need a gift for a coworker or as a great door prize for your Chapter events. With 17,000 members worldwide, we know that we can grow the 5.11 check every year. You can purchase the St. Michael Tee by contacting Renee at the FBINAA Store in Quantico (703.632.1943) or logging on to the FBINAA webstore at FBINAA.org. Thanks in advance for your support! Please visit our website, fbinaafoundation.org, for more information on our history, services offered to members and ways you can assist the Charitable Foundation reach the million-dollar goal.

THE ST. MICHAEL PRAYER "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our pro- tection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls." – Amen.

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