Associate SepOct 2015

S E P T 2 0 1 5 O C T


by President Joe Gaylord

Greetings! T his summer is coming to an end and before long another year has passed. The last session of the year (262) has started and the threat of a government shutdown has passed (at least for now). This summer there has been a lot going on with the Academy and the future is looking bright. The new cafeteria at the Academy has opened and it is sharp. Believe it or not, the food has improved with the new surroundings. It will continue to serve our students and all the training that goes on at the Academy. There is still a lot of construction going on at the Academy with the new fire suppression systems , and the remodeling of the auditorium and Hall of Honor . The Washington Dorm is still in the process of being upgraded and should take about two years to complete. If the remodeling turns out anything like the cafeteria, it will surely be outstanding. After the Washington Dorm is remodeled, the Academy has prom- ised the association the break room where the pool table is right now for the FBINAA store . This is the glass enclosed room at the bottom of the Madison Dorm and will be a great location for our store (there may be a possibility this may occur sooner but only time will tell). We have also been promised the business room where our office used to be located. This room is plenty big enough to house our entire staff. In the office, Steve Tidwell rejoins us as the Executive Director to lead our dedicated and hardworking staff. For a rundown of the current staff there is Korri Roper , Chief Financial Officer; Denise MacLane , Financial Accountant; Suzy Kelly , Sponsorship; Ashley Sutton , Com- munications; Liz Seal and Amanda Bachert , Merchandise; Laura Mas- terton , Special Projects; Angela Colonna , Academy Liaison; and Jenni- fer Watson , Membership Services. The staff is more than willing to help and/or assist any member and any student attending the Academy at any time.

This is my last column, as Barry Thomas will become the Presi- dent, effective October 15th. The board decided to align the presidents along with the national training event so Barry and I split our time this year in order to make achieve that goal. Barry will be President until the national conference in St. Louis, July 2016, and when Joey Reynolds is sworn in, he will be the President effective immediately. This should make for a smooth transition in the future and will also allow the person who is sworn in as a section representative to take office immediately. As my time comes to an end as President, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support and guidance. It truly has been an honor and a privilege to serve such an outstanding organization as the FBINAA. It has been a highlight of mine that I will look back on and cherish. But of course my activity with the FBINAA will not stop since it truly is the best law enforcement organization in the world. Joe Gaylord WE’RE GOING GREEN! Did you know the Associate Magazine is available ONLINE? Join us and GO GREEN by opting out of receiving the magazine and read it online with our interactive FLIPBOOK! Thank you and God Bless, Joe Gaylord

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