Alcalá 1959

DOM IN ICOLL INS Sa nt aMon ica , Cal ifo rn ia

GLO RI ACO TA Tiju ana,B.C ., Mexi co

HENRIE TT ADEAN En cin ita s, Cal ifo rn ia

The climax to four ye ars !Graduat ionday. Each yea r th e wh ol eschoo l wa tch esas the symbol s of kn ow led ge lea rnedwi th wi sdomar e pr ese nte dto th e gr ad ua tes.But thi s yea r a spe cia l rea lizati oncomes upon the jun ior sas they wa tch the cer emony,clima xed by Be nedic tion,an d th e th ou gh tar riv es that nex t year we, the cla ss of I960, leave the cla ssr oomsof the San Diego Co llege fo r Women and take ou r places in th at la rg er fam ily ,the wor ld .

LUCY EVAN S Denv er , C ol or ado


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