Alcalá 1959

In the second sem est erou r sp ir itbrou gh tus th roug ha bas ket bal ltour­ name nt.It showe ditse lf in ou r con tribu tions to "Dea rDe cis ion ," the Spr ing Sin g, and UNUM . It enliv ened ou r pre -symphon ypa rti esand Sophomore Serena desfor sen ior s. It rea ched its clim ax atthe BAL DES FLEURS . Th en we we nt th ro ug hexamin ati on s an d term pa pe rs to finish on e more yea r to be remem be red , and all th e timeMot he rCamp be llwas withus to keep ou r sp ir it ali ve and channe ledin the rig ht dir ec tions .

LOIS BROW N Lakes ide ,Ca lifor ni a

MOL LY BREEN Se att le, Was hing ton

SH ARO NBREWER San Di eg o,Ca lif or ni a

ep tember ,195 8

CA RO LEGILB La Me sa, Cal ifo rn ia



Fa irb an ks ,Al ask a

En id ,Okl ah om a

6 3

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