Family Handbook 2017-18

Student  Ins tute Team  (SIT)   The Student  Ins tute Team  supports  Junior School  students  to discover  their passions, work  together  to  share  ideas,  research answers  to  their burning ques ons and determine  the best ways  to  share what  they know with  their  community. 

Havergal Survivor  A gradua ng  student who has a ended Havergal  con nuously  since Grade 1 or earlier  is known as  a Survivor. 

Temerty Commons  A mee ng place and  common area, Temerty Commons  is  located  in  the Upper School by  the  Hawkins Dining Room and opens  to  the  Laba  Quad. Students use  it at  lunch and  for quiet  study.  It  is also used  in  the evening  for  school events and  recep ons.  Welcome Commi ee –  Junior School  The Welcome Commi ee  is a group of  Junior School parents who  serve as ambassadors  for  the  school along with members of  the Admission  team. These parents  lead prospec ve  families on  tours of  the  Junior School and assist with both Admission and new  family events.  Welcome Commi ee – Upper School  The Havergal Welcome Commi ee  is an ac ve  volunteer group of Havergal  students  in Grades 11  and 12 who  take prospec ve  students on  tours of  the  school, greet  special guests,  speak about  the Havergal experience and  the  school  community and  serve as ambassadors at  school  func ons.  The Wellness Centre  Staffed by Registered Nurses,  the Wellness Centre  supports  the physical and emo onal well‐being  of Havergal  students. Wellness Centre  staff work  to educate  students with  respect  to health and  wellness, while  trea ng medical  concerns according  to medical direc ves  issued by  the  school’s  physician  consult. Students who  feel  they are unable  to a end  class due  to  illness must  report  to  the Wellness Centre  for assessment. Students will not be  sent home without permission  from  parents. 

Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017  Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18


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