The Gazette 1974

The Commission has the biggest translating and if terpreting services in the world. Each year it recruif many linguists as translators and interpreters. In th*/ area of recruitment there are two particular difficulties j First, in requiring a linguist to have a u n i v e r s i ty education, the Commission is seeking above all someon f with linguistic knowledge applied to the task of translat-j ing and the task of interpreting—jobs, which, a l t h o u gh apparently similar, are in fact two quite different diS'l ciplines. Candidates for the competitive e x a m i n a t i o n 5 will, therefore, have graduated from a translator's of interpreter's school or university level, and of thes e there are very few. .: The second problem in the recruitment of linguists isj the kind of tests they must pass : these are exclusively linguistic, except for an oral test of a candidate 5 general knowledge. Knowledge of three Community working languages (English, French, German, Italian) Dutch or Danish) is required—one active language this being the candidate's mother tongue, and tw" passive languages. This requirement severely limits thty scope for recruiting, especially where interpreters ar e concerned. Financial Affairs (DG II) (methods of analysis and economic trends). Thomas F. Hoare formerly Head of Division, Central Bank of Ireland. Head of Division, Directorate-General Industrial and Technological Affairs (DG III) (small and medium enterprises; crafts). Peter J. Lennon formerly Adviser with a firm 0» Management Consultants. Head of Division, Directorate-General Transport (DG VII) (competition and special tariff arrange ments). Kevin Leydon formerly Chief Economist, G.I.E. Adviser, Directorate-General Competition (DG IV) (cartels; abuse of dominant positions). Conor Maguire, S.C. formerly Judge of the Circuit Court. Head of Division, General Secretariat (general re- port and other periodical reports). Andrew Mulligan formerly Journalist and BBC Pro- ducer. Head of Division, Administration of the Custom 5 Union (customs value and charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties). Michael Mullins formerly Principal Officer, Office of the Revenue Commissioners. Head of Division, Directorate-General Regional Policy (DG XIV) (regional development). Brendan McNama ra formerly Principal Officer, Depart- ment of Finance. Head of Division, Directorate-General Social Affairs (DG V) (European social f u n d; administration finances). Jeremiah P. Sheehan formerly Chief Executive Officer, Dublin Vocational Education Committee. Adviser Legal Service. John Temple Lang Solicitor. 100

into four categories : Category A : officials with university education, exer- cising administrative duties. Category B : administrators, docunientalists, technical assistants. Category C : secretaries, clerical officers, laboratory attendants. Category D : filing clerks, drivers, messengers. Linguistic card : officials with specialised university training, working as translators or interpreters. Scientific and technical cadre : officials of categories A, B or C, generally exercising scientific and technical functions. Entry to all grades is by means of competitive examinations. These are held at regular intervals and consist of a submission of qualifications, written and oral tests (including a test in one of the following languages—French, German, Danish, Italian or Dutch), and a medical examination. Early in 1974 advertisements will be placed in the Irish newspapers inviting applications for A, B, and C categories. The practice followed is that after the examinations a reserve list is established and appoint- ments to vacancies are made from this list. Not all the candidates placed on the reserve list will necessarily be offered a post. The following appointments have been made to senior posts in the Commission of the European Communities: Director General, Directorate-General for Informa- tion (DGX). Sean G. Ronan formerly Irish Ambassador in Bonn and Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs. Director, Directorate-General Internal Market (DG XI) (right of establishment; freedom to supply services; harmonisation of commercial and economic legislation). Dermot Devine formerly senior lecturer University of Capetown. Director, Directorate-General Competition (DG IV) (general policy of competition). Vincent Grogan, S.C. formerly Director, Statute Law Reform and Consolidation Office. Director, Directorate-General Regional Policy (DG XVI) (analyses, documentation and objectives). Joseph Oslizlok formerly Chief Economist, Central Bank of Ireland. Principal Adviser, Directorate-General Agriculture (DG VI) (measures concerning the sociological struc- ture of the agricultural population; land tenure). John Scully formerly Senior Inspector, Department of Agriculture. Director of the Dublin Office (DG X) Denis Corboy formerly Director of the Commission's Information Centre and the Irish Council of the European Movement. Head of Division, Directorate-General Agriculture (DG VI) (Milk products division) Thomas O'Dwyer formerly Head of marketing research, Agricultural Institute. Head of Division, Official Publications Office (Publi- cations) Fergus FitzGerald formerly Chief editorial branch, FAO, Rome. Head of Division, Directorate-General Economic &

The Commission is, however, prepared to p r o v i de training for promising candidates who have not th e opportunity of obtaining a qualification at a translator 5 or interpreter's school. Irish Appointments to the Commission

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