Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Chapter Six Practice Quiz 1. Which goal theory focuses on the desire to outperform other people? a. Mastery Approach b. Approach-approach c. Ego Approach d. Approach-avoidance 2. True or False: Bulimia nervosa involves binging and purging in order to lose weight. a. True b. False 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of an instrumental behavior? a. Eating healthy to lose weight b. Practicing the guitar to play well c. Yelling when angry d. Ripping up a picture to get over somebody 4. True or False: Self-actualization is the top tier of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. a. True b. False 5. This tier of Maslow’s hierarchy involves a need for approval and recognition: a. Physiological b. Self-Actualization c. Esteem d. Belongingness

6. Which of the following is a facial expression of fear? a. Smiling b. Heart Rate Increase c. Slow Blinking d. Widening of the Eyes 7. True or False: Display rules are cultural depictions of how emotions are to be expressed. a. True b. False 8. Which of the following is the first stage of the human sexual response pattern? a. Orgasm b. Excitement c. Plateau d. Resolution

Answer Key on page 96.

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