Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Practice Test 1. Which philosophical approach to studying human behavior emphasizes the purpose or usefulness of behavior? a. Structuralism b. Behaviorism c. Functionalism d. Psychoanalysis e. Humanism 2. Which of the following approaches is used by a psychologist who studies depression by examining levels of a certain neurotransmitter in the brains of depressed and non-depressed people? a. Psychoanalytic b. 3. Which of the following approaches is used by a psychologist who studies the influence of rewards and punishments when learning behavior? a. Behavioral b. Cognitive c. Humanistic d. Psychoanalytic e. Biological 4. The simplest cell of the nervous system is a: a. Neuron b. Dendrite c. Behavioral c. Humanistic d. Cognitive e. Biological

5. The somatic nervous system is part of the: a. Central nervous system b. Peripheral nervous system c. Autonomic nervous system d. Sympathetic nervous system e. Parasympathetic division 6. Which chemicals are responsible for the "runner's high" and important for controlling pleasure/pain properties? a. Adrenalines b. Steroids c. Acetylcholine d. Endorphins e. GABA 7. The reticular formation: a. Regulates heartbeat and breathing b. Controls hunger c. Helps control arousal d. Regulates fear and aggression e. Coordinates voluntary movement 8. Which type of cell allows us to distinguish different wavelengths of light? a. Ganglion cells b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Rods e. Auditory

Axon d. Soma e.

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