



Objectives GOAL 1 - Cost of Housing Locations for denser housing Redevelopment of underdeveloped parcels Sites for student housing Sites for non-student housing GOAL 2 - Town Identity Connections to existing parks Park infrastructure and programming Access and visibility to historic buildings Celebration and rehab of historic buildings Complementary/transitional development Development complementary to VT CID Investments in Start-up economy Employee attraction and retention Capacity for economic development GOAL 3 - Economy & Employment

Existing Conditions Today largely vacant, this 22-acre

Key Issues & Opportunities

The Old Blacksburg Middle School site presents perhaps the most immediate opportunity for redevelopment in Downtown. An existing development proposal envisions a broad mix of uses that would create new jobs, significantly expand the town’s housing supply, while sensitively transitioning to existing uses surrounding the site.

development site presents a major opportunity to expand the town’s supply and diversity of housing, add significant new open space to Downtown, and extend the mixed-use character south along Main. The town is engaging in a true public-private partnership to facilitate development that would bring this opportunity to fruition. An existing development proposal envisions a mix of higher-density mixed use development on Main Street, transitioning to moderate- and low-density residential uses east from Main. This housing is targeted at young professionals and/or retirees, and does not include student-oriented housing. The plan also envisions a new partial urban street grid, and a series of interconnected plazas, pedestrian ways, and open spaces to provide access across the site and spaces for community gathering and events. In addition to space for ground-floor retail and other commercial space, the plan also incorporates two opportunities for civic uses, including a new town public safety building.

 High demand for rental and for-sale housing

115 Downtown Blacksburg Strategic Plan MARKET PLACE POLICY ECONOMIC

 No existing access to the center of the site  Adjacent to mixed-use environment on Main  Existing residential

GOAL 4 - Downtown Development of mix of uses Local businesses Multi-modal access

 Community preference for civic uses on site

Investments in walkability and vibrancy Economically-feasible, human scale development Downtown districting Expansion of Downtown boundaries

 Mix of uses may increase marketability of housing development


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