

Six Districts, One Downtown S7

Celebrate Town Distinctiveness

A community’s identity and personality helps to shape its evolution across many of the strategies: particularly investments in the public realm , and the definition of districts within the area. Economic innovation and resiliency, new development, and mobility improvements are also opportunities to express a place’s distinct character. Small businesses, shops, restaurants, and expanded mobility infrastructure—for motorists and non- motorists—all give a place its unique identity.

A districting framework is where all of the other strategies come together : each strategy takes on a different flavor within various areas of a downtown, helping to give each district its own, distinct personality. Districts also orient visitors to a place, clarifying key destinations and attractions, as well as which parts of downtown are more residential in character. Formalizing such a districting framework can help make a place more legible and more welcoming as it evolves.

Chapter 4 - 7 Strategies for Downtown


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