University Centre St Helens - Undergraduate Prospectus 2018



Increasingly students are choosing to stay at home as the cost of attending university rises. While it has traditionally been said that students should move away to get the most from their university experience, students who live at home can enjoy and benefit from the student lifestyle just as much. If you are within commuting distance of University Centre St Helens, then staying put is worth some serious thought. There are a number of benefits to staying at home and studying for a degree. Moving away to attend university can be a weighty financial commitment, in terms of both fees, accommodation and living costs. Being based at home doesn’t make you any less a full-time student. You can still have all the benefits of student life. University Centre St Helens is within easy reach of Liverpool and Manchester – two cities with vibrant student night life. Plus, if you are currently in a part-time job you can continue to work while you undertake your studies.

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