Chung O T in Plastic Surgery


in plastic surgery by creating a comprehensive, yet efficient reference for any surgical procedure in the field. It is customary to acknowledge the contribution of the team members who help create a successful textbook. I am indebted to the dedicated staff at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, specifically Brian Brown, who put his heart and soul in supporting this publication. In addition, I am grateful to Grace Caputo and Maria McAvey who tirelessly assisted both the authors and section editors to ensure the accuracy of every detail. I am most appreciative to my outstanding students Jacob Nasser and Meghan Lark who both will be attending medical school. Their devotion is exemplary in assisting me with the day-to-day organization and nuisances for a com- plex project such as this. Finally, and most importantly, I am thankful to you, the readers who will enjoy and embrace this textbook. I hope this book can serve as a constant compan- ion to you as you strive for excellence in taking care of your patients. I welcome your critical appraisal and support as we launch the first edition of our textbook Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery . Sincerely, Kevin C. Chung, MD, MS Chief of Hand Surgery, Michigan Medicine Director, University of Michigan Comprehensive Hand Center Charles B. G. de Nancrede Professor of Surgery Professor of Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs

Welcome to the first edition of the Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery textbook. Plastic surgery is a comprehensive specialty that is the last bastion of a general surgeon. We have the privilege of providing our reconstructive talents from head to toe. The complexity of this specialty requires an encyclope- dic textbook that describes and teaches all the technical fea- tures of an assortment of procedures. This textbook is a shared vision between Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and me to create a textbook that encom- passes all the operations we cherish in plastic surgery. Every section was organized by a respected section editor, each with unique expertise in his respective area of plastic surgery. I have worked intensively with my fellow section editors Charles Thorne, Sammy Sinno, John van Aalst, BabakMehrara, Joseph Disa, Gordon Lee, and Arun K. Gosain to ensure that we dis- play a full spectrum of common and uncommon techniques in the field. Furthermore, this textbook engages noted authorities from all over the world who have generously shared their life- long experiences in promoting safe and predictable outcomes for their patients. This textbook is richly illustrated by applying a step- by-step approach in carrying out each surgical procedure. Additionally, the pearls and pitfalls of every procedure are shared by the authors to ensure that the operations can be con- ducted successfully. As the Editor-in-Chief of this textbook, I have read every word and approved every illustration in col- laboration with my team. I am grateful for their guidance and, of course, the contribution of all the authors. As educators, our fervent desire is to teach and impart our experiences in an open fashion so that our patients can benefit from a collective experience. This textbook has set the standard for education

Associate Director of Global REACH University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan

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