Reptiles Presentation

Reptile Food

Teacher Directions:

• Talking points are on slides for teacher. • Use this with page two of the book. • Engagement -Have students circle the picture of the matching food source found on page 2 of their interactive workbook. • Example: Students see the centipede in this presentation. They look for the drawing of the centipede on their interactive workbook and circle it. *Discuss that there are many things that reptiles eat. This presentation talks about some of them.


Centipedes bite. They have a lot of legs. It looks like they have 100 legs. That is why they are called centipedes.

Point: lizard, eye, scales, hands, claws, centipede, legs of centipede, leg of lizard Questions: What is the lizard eating? What kind of skin does the lizard have? Does the lizard have scales? What is happening to the centipede? Find the centipede in your interactive book.


Lizards like to eat dragonflies. Point: wings, body, head, legs, plant Questions: How many wings do you see? Do lizards like to eat dragonflies? Is a dragonfly an insect? Find the dragonfly in your interactive book.


Turtles like fruits and vegetables. This turtle is eating a tomato.

Point: tomato, shell, head, eye, gravel, legs, scales on legs, grass Questions: What is the turtle eating? What color is the tomato? What do turtles like to eat? Find the tomato in your interactive book.


Snakes eat rats. They swallow them whole.

Point: snake, scales, eyes, mouth, rat tail, rat’s ears, nose, eyes, legs

Questions: How many rats do you see? What colors are they, What animals eats rats?

Find the rat in the interactive book.


Many lizards like fruit. This lizard is eating a banana.

Point: banana, peel, lizard, tongue, rock legs

Questions: What fruit is this? Do lizards like to eat bananas?

Find the bananas in the interactive book.

Some reptiles eat worms. Earthworms live in the ground.

Point: earthworm, lizard, grass

Questions: What is the lizard doing? What is he eating?


Find the worm in your interactive book.


Some reptiles like to eat crickets. Crickets hop. Grasshoppers and crickets look a lot alike.

Point: cricket, antennae, stem, lizard, Questions: What do you think the lizard is going to do? Do you think that the cricket knows it is sitting on the lizard’s head?

Find the cricket in your interactive book.

Some reptiles eat insects

Many reptiles eat insects. Bees sting people or animals to protect themselves. They make honey. Moths are like a butterfly, but are awake at night. Sometimes you see them on people’s clothes in a closet. At night they are around lights. Reptiles like to eat all kinds of insects. Point: bee, fly, moth, shoe, wings, legs Questions: What sound do bees make? What do bees make? Why are some people scared of bees? Have you ever been stung?

Find the bee, moth, and fly in your interactive book.

Some reptiles eat fruit. Iguana’s are a type of reptile. They love fruit. They eat watermelon, apples, grapes, and many other types of fruit. Point: watermelon, seeds, apple, stem, grapes, vine, iguanas, legs, eyes, hands Questions: What other types of fruit can you think of? What is your favorite type of fruit? Are lizards the only animal that eats fruit? Do people eat fruit?

Find the watermelon, apple, and grapes in your interactive book.

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