Deadly Force and self defense

Example Officer/ subject interaction protocol 1. Officer presence 2. Communication

3. Control the situation 4. Contain the situation 5. De-escalate 6. Call law enforcement

Y RXU RSWLRQV DUH OLPLWHG E\ \RXU VHOI GHIHQVH HTXLSPHQW DQG WUDLQLQJ It is not necessary to prove a lessor use of force does not work before using the appropriate force as necessary to stop the attack. Use only the force and restraint devices as necessary to maintain control and safety . Deadly Force could be used anywhere in the force continuum when you or another person’s life is placed in imminent jeopardy of death, or serous life threatening injury. Deadly force cannot be used to protect property or a person from non- life threating physical assault behavior. Example – pushing, grabbing, punching etc. Last Resort Situations Last Resort situations are those wherein certain immediate and drastic measures must be undertaken by an officer in order to protect human life. Force used in these situations may involve the use of techniques or weapons not covered by policy; however, they remain to be measured by "reasonable" and "necessary" use of force standards.



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