Microsoft Word - 2015-4-29 HHHunt SL Handbook to Wordsprint

makes a good faith report will not be retaliated against. Any employee who does not report abuse will be considered an accessory to the abuse.


Each of our residents has the right to fair, courteous and equal treatment from each member of the staff. We take the issue of Residents Rights very seriously. As such, the ResidentÊs Bill of Rights for the state where you work is included at the end of this Handbook and should be used as a reference tool whenever you have a question regarding the rights of residents. A violation of these Rights may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Should you find misplaced personal property of a resident, visitor or employee, you must immediately turn the property over to your supervisor. Only your immediate supervisor or the Executive Director may assume, even temporarily, the possession or control of residents' personal property, and then only for the purpose of putting it in a safe place and issuing a receipt. You must exercise extreme caution and check for personal items when removing trash, changing linens, or cleaning rooms. Alert your supervisor if you find forgetful residents have valuables in their possession. Do not bring valuables or large amounts of money with you to work. The Company will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen employee property. Employees are not permitted to assist residents with their financial affairs. This prohibition applies to activities such as writing or cashing checks for residents, as well as any other financial services that residents might ask employees to perform. If a resident asks you to assist him/her with any financial matters, you should kindly convey your inability to do so and immediately notify your supervisor so that the Company can attend to any related needs of the resident. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE RESIDENTS, VISITORS AND EMPLOYEES FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF RESIDENTS


Employees are paid to give efficient and friendly service. You may not solicit or accept directly or indirectly any gift, gratuity, money, or loan of any kind from residents, their families, their relatives, or friends. Please graciously decline any gift or gratuity for any service performed as part of your duties at the community.


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