EC Papers September 2018

EC Minutes July 2018

7. Poland International Study Visit.

The International study visit to Poland had taken place and a report had been circulated, photographs would follow.

Bro. Nicholls gave an overview of the history of trade unionism in Poland.

Bro. Nicholls proposed offering vacations to the Bank Workers’ Union hotels at discounts to GFTU affiliates should be explored.

Bro. Nicholls proposed to invite OPZZ/FORMAC along with an interpreter to future GFTU events such as Union Building Conferences and BGCM.

Bro. Nicholls reported that the report should be placed on the website and made available at the 2019 BGCM.

Bro. Williams raised that no questions were asked about the GFTU and suggested an invite for them to visit. Bro. Williams suggested to gain more of a two way dialogue and to undertake more preparatory work for future international visits to continue a positive interchange.

Sis. Woolley gave a positive response to her experience of the study visit and has since received more contact with members due to visiting their home country which opens initial conversations.

Bro. Lawrence endorsed recommendations and was disappointed to not be able to meet more workers during the visit but a valuable learning experience.

Bro. Smith has an additional report from the trip to be added and asked for others to add notes for the BGCM report purposes.

Bro. Linn expressed interest in linking with OPZZ to learn more.

The recommendations were accepted.

8. Meeting and deadline dates.

2019 and 2020 draft meeting dates had been circulated.

Bro. Nicholls proposed to move July 2019’s EC meeting to take place during the Durham Miners Gala July 12 th .

EC members agreed

Bro. Nicholls recommended that the Youth Festival Dates be delayed due to the building work that will be taking place at the hotel and 120 th Manchester anniversary date to also be added. Sis. Woolley agreed to explore other dates with the working group.


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