NGOs under European Convention on Human Rights / Tymofeyeva

the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland. About 2.7 million claims, with an asserted value of USD 352.5 billion, were filed with the UNCC. The UNCC concluded processing claims in 2005, and the total compensation awarded was USD 52.4 billion to approximately 1.5 million successful claimants. 1335 As of 24 July 2014, the Commission had paid out about USD 46.7 billion in compensation awards to successful claimants. Only one claim remains with a balance of about USD 5.7 billion outstanding. This claim was for the production and sales losses as a result of damages to Kuwait’s oil-field assets and represents the largest award by the UNCC. 1336 The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (hereinafter referred to as the ‘UNMIK’), by Regulation 1999/23 on the Establishment of the Housing and Property Directorate and Housing and Property Claims Commission, set up the Housing and Property Claims Commission (hereinafter referred to as the ‘HPCC’) 1337 for Kosovo. The HPCC is an independent quasi-judicial body responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective resolution of residential property disputes arising out of the 1999 armed conflict in Kosovo. The HPCC commenced adjudicating claims in January 2001 and it has already decided about 29,000 property disputes. Moreover, approximately 98.5% of HPCC decisions have been implemented in favour of property right holders. 1338 This accomplishment is noteworthy and has made a significant contribution to assisting dispossessed property right holders and contributed to the ideals espoused in Security Council Resolution 1244. 1339 On 18 September 2004, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council adopted Resolution 1564 1340 requesting, inter alia , to rapidly establish an international commission of inquiry in order to immediately investigate reports of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law in Darfur. The International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur was established on the basis of this Resolution. Given the magnitude of damage caused by the armed conflict to civilian populations, it was considered necessary to envisage granting reparations to victims of crimes committed during such conflict, whether or not the perpetrators of international crimes have been identified. For these reasons, the establishment of the Compensation Commission for Darfur (hereinafter referred to as the ‘CCD’) was proposed. It had to serve the role not of an alternative means, but rather as a measure complementary to referral to the International Criminal Court. 1341 States would have the obligation to act not only against perpetrators but also on behalf of compensation for losses resulting from Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait. 7 February 2012. URL: accessed 22 June 2015. 1335 See the UNCC web on accessed 20 July 2015. 1336 Ibid. 1337 Final Report of the Housing and Property Claims Commission. Pristina, 2007. 1338 Ibid. 1339 Resolution 1244 (1999) adopted by the Security Council at its 4011th meeting, on 10 June 1999. S/RES/1244 (1999). 1340 Resolution 1564 (2004) adopted by the Security Council at its 5040th meeting, on 18 September 2004. S/RES/1564 (2004). 1341 Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary General. Geneva, 25 January 2005, p. 150.


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