NGOs under European Convention on Human Rights / Tymofeyeva

Magyar Keresztény Mennonita Egyház and Others v. Hungary, nos. 70945/11, 23611/12, 26998/12, 41150/12, 41155/12, 41463/12, 41553/12, 54977/12 and 56581/12, 8 April 2014. Maktouf andDamjanović v. Bosnia andHerzegovina [GC], nos. 2312/08 and 34179/08, ECHR 2013 (extracts). Manifattura FL v. Italy, 27 February 1992, Series a no. 230-B. Manushaqe Puto andOthers v. Albania, nos. 604/07, 43628/07, 46684/07 and 34770/09, 31 July 2012. Marckx v. Belgium, 13 June 1979, Series a no. 31. Marie-Louise Loyen and Bruneel v. France, no. 55929/00, 5 July 2005. Marpa Zeeland B.V. and Metal Welding B.V. v. the Netherlands, no. 46300/99, ECHR 2004-X (extracts). Matelly v. France, no. 10609/10, 2 October 2014. Mathieu-Mohin and Clerfayt v. Belgium, 2 March 1987, Series a no. 113. Matthews v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24833/94, ECHR 1999-I. McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom, 27 September 1995, Series a no. 324. McCaughey and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 43098/09, 16 July 2013. Melnychenko v. Ukraine, no. 17707/02, ECHR 2004-X. Meltex Ltd and Movsesyan v. Armenia (dec.), no. 32283/04, 27 May 2008. Meltex Ltd and Movsesyan v. Armenia, no. 32283/04, 17 June 2008. Members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Others v. Georgia, no. 71156/01, 3 May 2007. Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova, no. 45701/99, ECHR 2001-XII. MGN Limited v. the United Kingdom, no. 39401/04, 18 January 2011. Micallef v. Malta [GC], no. 17056/06, ECHR 2009. Michael Theodossiou Ltd v. Cyprus, no. 31811/04, 15 January 2009. Michaud v. France, no. 12323/11, ECHR 2012. Microintelect OOD v. Bulgaria, no. 34129/03, 4 March 2014. Mihai Gângă et Le Syndicat Indépendant Des Juristes De Roumanie v. Romania, no. 28906/09, 10 April 2012. Mikulová v. Slovakia, no. 64001/00, 6 December 2005.

Mladina d.d. Ljubljana v. Slovenia, no. 20981/10, 17 April 2014. Moldovahidromaş v. Moldova, no. 30475/03, 27 February 2007. Monnat v. Switzerland, no. 73604/01, ECHR 2006-X.

Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army v. Russia, no. 72881/01, ECHR 2006-XI. Mouvement raëlien suisse v. Switzerland [GC], no. 16354/06, ECHR 2012 (extracts). Müller and Others v. Switzerland, 24 May 1988, Series a no. 133. N.T. Giannousis and Kliafas Brothers S.A. v. Greece, no. 2898/03, 14 December 2006. Nada v. Switzerland [GC], no. 10593/08, ECHR 2012.


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