Alcalá 1988

Rugby The Rugby Club Is one of the most succe11ful sports club on campus which com– petes in Intercollegiate Rug– by. It Is a fast and rough game that demands a great deal from Its players. The U.S.D. team has had its ups and downs during the past few years but they still have a close camaraderie that der– ives from their involvement on campus and stiff competi– tion.


Rugger Huggers The Rugger Huggers were organized to support the U.S.D. Rugby team and promote awareness of this popular sport. The Rugger Huggers also enjoy the social environ– ment that goes along with the sport of rugby.

~ members: Natasha Krogstad, Kristin Roll, Barb~ra ~o~ter, ;;::!_ V~Michele Crum, Shelly Morris. Not pictured: V1kk1 Uribe, - .., Karstiena, Kim Pichon.

Orgcnzations 115

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