USD Annual Report 1983/84

Board of Trustees, 1983-1984


The Vinnell Foundation The Von dcr Ahe Foundation Vulcan Materials Company \X 1 arson Induscrial Properties The \\\ells Fargo Foundation \Xlhittaker Corporation Gin \'v'ong Associates Arthur Young Foundations Friend of USD Ahmanson Foundation

Glendale Federal The Robert M. Golden Foundation Grace Foundation Inc. Graybar Electric Company, Inc. Great American Firs1 Savings Bank Grear \'\-'estern Savings Mr. Jay 11. Grodin J-lenry L. Guenrhcr Foundation Mr. Ernest W. Hahn John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. Handy and Harman Foundation

Levi SIrnuss Foundation Liberty MuLUal Insurance Companies Foundation of the Litton Industries

Press-Telegram Price Waterhouse The Proctor and Gamble Fund Prudential Insurance Company of America Quotron Systems, Inc. RCA Corporntion Repuhlic Corporation R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Robertshaw Controls Company- Grayson Controls Div. J. W. Robinson Company

Arthur Andersen & Co. The Annenberg Fund, Inc. The Argyros Foundation Armco Foundation Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Guy f. Atkinson Company of Californi,1 Mvnlc L. Atkinson Foundation Atiantic Richfield Foundation AT&T Foundation Automobile Club of Somhern California Avco Financial Services. Inc. Avery International Corpora.Iion The R. C. Baker Found:1tion The Bank of California BankAmerica Founcbuion Bateman Eichler, Hill Richards, lnc. Beckman lnstruml'ntS, Inc. l\·1ilo \Y/. Ackins foundation Bell Industries Bemis Company Foundation 13enet1ci:il Finance System Beneficial Standard Foundation Best Products Foundation Bl'verly Emcrprises Uordcn, Inc. through its Foundation Brnndow and Johnston Associates The Brunswick Foundation. Inc. Bucyrus-Eric Foundation, Inc. Bullock's Mr. Waldo H. Burnside Burroughs Corporntion California Federal C1lifornia Portland Cement Com1x1ny Tl1e Capital Group, Inc. Can er I ta,.vlev Hale Stores, Inc. CBS, Inc. . Central Pacific Corporation Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Ci ry National Bank Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles ·1·h1..: Coca~Cola Company Collins Foods International, Inc. Communications Technology Curp(>ration Container Corporation o r America Foundation Coopers & Lybrand James S. Copley Foundation Credithrift Financial Corporation Crocker National Bank Foundation Cubic Corpor3tion Daily News Foundation Dan and Kraft Foundation John and Janet Delmonte Foundation Deloitte 1-laskins & Sells Deluxe Check Printers Foundation Di Giorgio Foundar.ion Disnev Foundation Carrie' Estelle Doheny Foundation Duc<>mmun Incorpol"ared The 0. K. Earl Corporntion Eisaman.Johns & Laws, Inc. Ernst & Whinncv The Essick Foun.datiun, Inc. Ex-Cell-O Foundation Federal Mogul Corporation Fila n Division of SOI·IIO Chemical Co. First Interstate Bank of California Foundation The Fluor Foundation Ford Motor Compan y Fund Mr. Louis \VI. Foster Mr. ;md Mrs. Richard N. Frank The General Foods Fund, Inc. General MilJs Foundation General Motors Foundation General Telephune Company of California The Gerber Babv Foods Fund Getty Oil Comp3ny Gibraltar Savings The Gillette Compan)' 24 The Bristol-Myers Fund 1\il. J. Brock and Sons, Inc.

Lloyd Curporntion. Ltd. Lloyds Bank California Lockheed Leadership Fund Dollv Madison Foundation The Magnavox Company Marina City Club Martin i\•larietta Aluminum May Co., California

Mr. "Elwfiq N. Khoury Prcsiclem, P:1cific Scene, Inc. ~,tr. Eugene V. Kll'.in Prcsiclem and General Parmer, San Diego Chargers Footlx1ll Club Mr. Douglas F. Manchester Chairman and Chief Exl'CU(ive O fficer. ·n)1-rcy Encerprises, Inc. Sister Anne O'Neil, RSC.J Provincial. Uniiecl Stares Province of the Religious o f the Sacred I lean . S1. Louis M r. George M. Pardee,Jr. Chairman of the Bo:1rd Eml:ritus, Pardee Constructi{>n Company Sisler Gertrude Patch, RSCJ K:m sas Cit y Mr. Lcbnd S. Prussia Chairman of the Board, B:inkAmc.:ric;.1C

The ivlost Rl'vercncl Leo T. Maher, D.D.

Aut ho r E. Hughes. Ph.D. President SisIcr Sally Furav, RSC_I, Ph.D. , J.D. Vice President and Provost John D. Bu,-cc, 13. E. E. Vice Prl.'sident ror Financi:1I Aff:1irs Thomas F. Burke, M .A. Vice President for Student Affai rs and Dean of SIudc111s \Xlilliam L. Pickell , Ph.D. Vice Prcsic.leni for Uni,·ersily Relations C. .Joseph Pus:neri, Ph.D. Dean. College or Ans and Sciences J:tmcs M. Burns, D.B.A. Dean. School of' Business Ac.lminis1ration Edward F. DcRochc, Ph.D. Dean. School of Education Sheldon Krantz. LL.13. Dean. School o f I.a\\· Irene S. Palmer, Ph.D. Dean. Philip Y. II:ihn School or Nursing

SisIcr Annelle Uourrct. RSCJ. M.A. Coordinator <)f Graclu:1te Admissions Malachi Rafferty, M.U.A. Director of Continuing Educ ttion I ll'rhert E. \Xlhytc, M.A. Director o f Financial Aid Re,·. Patrick G. Cahill. C.S.V., M.S. Director of Athletics Rev. Michael McKav, S.T.L. , Ph.D. Canel. - Chaplain :tnU Dirl'ctor of Campus ivlinistry Marian P. J-lollcm:in. M.L.S.. M.A. University Librarian Gilbert L. Brown. Jr.. Ph.D. Special Assistalll 10 the Prl'sidcnt

Chairman of the Board Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego Mrs. I lclcn K. Copley Viel' Ch:lirman of the Bo:m.1 Chairman and Chief Executi,·e O fficer. Copley Press Reverend Mt>nsigno r I. Hrl'.nt Eagen Secrc1:1n· Chancclior of the Diocese of San Diego i'vlr. J. Philip Gilligan ·rn::1sun.:r Ownn. Gilligan Gro,·cs. Carlsbad Manuel H:irha, M.0. S;in Diego Mr:;. \X 1 ilson B. Baugl1 Co-Owner. \Xlilson Baugh Enterprises. San Bernardino Mr. Arthu r B. Bincher General Partner, Bincl1l'.r Pacific Company. BL,·crly Hills Mr. J:1mes \VJ. Col:ichis Pr...:sidem, The.J . \'X/. Colachis OcYl'lopment Co.. L:I Jolla Mr. I ll'rn:mdo Courtright Pnlpriet(l!' :ind ivt:inaging Directo r. lkverlv \X' ilshirl' I lotl'l. lkn:rly 1--lills Mr. Danie.:! \V Dnhes PrLsidcnt. Sign:il Acl,·ancecl l i.:chnology Group, l..:1 Joll:1 Mrs. \\'.'illiarn G. Dullock Panncr. San Bernardo Rancho. San Ardo Rc,·erend MonsignlJr \X 1 illiam E. Ellio tt Episcopal Vicar for Education, Dion.:se o f San Diego iv1rs. EmL·St 0. Ellison Principal. Ellmark Associ:Hes. San Francisco AniIa \I. Figuerl'do, M.0. La.Jolla Mr. Kim FlcIch<.'.r Ch:tirman :ind Chid Executive O fficer, I lorne Federal Sa,·ings and Loan ASS<>Cialic>n Mr. Charles M. Gr:1c.T S:1111a iVlonic1 i\-lr. Ert1l'Sl \'V. I l:1I111 Chairman of the Bo:ird. Ernest \V l lahn, Inc. Mr. Brm.:l' R. J l;izard Presidl'nt. Hazard Products. Inc. Au1hor E. I lughes. Ph.D President. L'ni,·l'rsitv or San Dil'gll . Mr. ['ctcr). I lughl's AlH>rncy-:tt·L:1\\' Edmund L. Keeny. M.D. President Emeritus. Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation. La Jolla

T/Je Bidslrup Foundation James F. Copley Foundation Rueben I-/. Fleet Foundation Ed and Marv Fletcher Foundation (L) The Ruben Gulden Foundation Ernest W. and Jean E. Hahn foundation The Philip Y. Hahn Foundation (LJ Hibben Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation TbeJames Irvine Foundation lrvinJ. and Eleanor Kahn Foundation (L) George Henry Mayr Trust NCR Fnundation Olin Foundation John M. Olin Foundation, lnc. The Parker Foundation (LJ Research Corporation Riverside Communiry Foundation T he Roon FoundaIion 1 Inc. San Diego Community Foundation (L) Scaife Family Charitable Trust (L) Dr. Seuss Foundation Marie Stauffer Sigall Foundation Frank k. \\'larren Fcnni()' Fountlatio11 \'Villiam K. \X 1 arren Foundation Del E. Webb Foundation \Yleingart Fowulatio11 (L) Organizations Friend of USD (L) Alliance Francaise Ali.tnmr,u• of the Sacred Heart, SD Arizona Chapter or th1..· Sacred Heart County of San Diego Controllers Officc(L) Fronteras de las Californias Victor Gruen Center (L) Hellenic Cultural Society of San Diego Lawyer Referral Service (L) PershingJunior High School Sahli Catherine Laboure Cburcb San Diego County Office of Education (L) San Diego Hospital Association San Diego 'frial Lau•y<.>rs Association(!.) Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (L) Societv of the Sacred Hean, US The l1~maculara USD Friends ofMusic USD Gradu:ite Nursing Students Assoc. l lSD Law School Alumni Association (L) USO Parent ·s Association University of California, San Diego _University of San Diego Auxiliary West Publishing Co. (L) Zeta Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Thu Trusts and Estates Maxine Thelma Ganz Family Trust Michela Family Trust Teel Family Trust

TimoIhy .J . \X 1 ill:1rd, Ph.D. Director of Devdclpment Elizabeth S1roube, B.A. Dircetor of De,·elopment, School of l.:Iw J:Imes T. Sotiros, B.A. Dircc1<)r or C(lrpo r:ite and

ha1ncbtion Relation:; Thomas A. Martz. 13.S. Director o f Alumni Relations Sister Virginia McMonaglc, RSCJ, M.A. DirecIor of Constituent Rt:l:ttions S:1r:1 S. Finn, APR, B.A. Dirccmr of Public lk btions

Havmoncl S. IJr:inclcs. Ph.D. bean, School of Graclu:He :incl Continuing Education Patrici:1 A. \Vatson. Ecl.O. Dean, Ac 1demic Sen·ices \\l :11-ren Muller, M.A.L.S. Director of Undergracluatc Admissions

Ma$J·in Founders Hall Chapel. Mayne Nickless Incorpornteli MCA Inc. McCuiloch Corporation McDonnell Douglas Foundation The McGraw-Hill Foundation Mr. George \YI. Mefferd Megatek Corporation \v'illiam M. Mercer-Meidinger Incorporated The Merck Company Foundation The 3M Company Mitsui Manufacturers Bank Foundation New York Life Insuranc...: Company NI Industries, Inc. Nordstrom Norrhrop Corporation The Oak Tree FoundaIion Occidental Petroleum Charitahlc Foundation Olga Company O'Melveny and Myers Pacific Bell Pacific Muru,11 Life lnsurancl' Company Pacific Tube Comp:1ny Paramoum PiclUres Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation The Parsons Corporation The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Peat, Marwick. Mitchell and Co. C. L. Peck Contractor

The W. w. Henry Company Herald Examiner Benefit Fund Hilton Hotels Corporation Hollywood Park Racing Ch:arities, Inc. Home Federal Home Savings of America Houghton Mifflin Co. Mr. anU Mrs. Robert R. Huffman Hughes Aircraft Company Hughes Employees Give Once Club Hughes Helicopters, Inc. Edward F. Hutton Foundation 1-l)'dril Company Imperial Bank Foundation Imperial Corporation or America Industrial lnclcmnity Company International Business Machines Corp. ITT Corporation Mr. Eli S. Jacobs Jap:m Business Association of So. California Johnson and Higgins of California Earl M.Jorgensen Co. Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. Kerr Glass Manufacwring Corporation Kilroy Industries Kimberly-Clark Foundation K-Mart Corporation Korn/Ferry Intcrnatiunal Kwikset Division, Emhart Hardware Group LAACO Incorporated Lansdale & Carr Latham and \X 1 arkins La,vry's Foods, Inc. The Lear Siegler Foundation The Leisure Group Lever Brothers Company Found,Hion

Rockwell lntcrnational Corpor..1tinn Mr. Dickinson C. Ross S. E. Rykoffand Company Saga Corporation Santa Anita Foundation Santa Barbar.1 Savings Santa Fe Industries Foundation Security Group Security Pacific Foundation T he Signal Companies, Inc. Southwestern Portland Cement Company Square D Foundation Mr. llarold 8. Starkey, Jr. Sterling Drug, Inc. J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc. Foundation Summa Corporation Sunkist Growers. Inc. ·Iandy Corporntion/Radiu Shack Mr. Waller Taylor, JI Technicolor, Inc. 1Ckdync Charitable Trust Foundation Tenneco Inc. Thorpe Insulation Company Thrifty Corporation Ticor Foundation The Times Mirror Foundation The Touchc Russ Foundation 'lbyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Transamerica Occidenrnl Life lnsurJ.nce Company Tubesales Union Bank Foundation I.Inion Oil Company of California Foundation Union Pacific Foundation United States Bar.ix & Chemical Corp. The UPS Foundation Stewart Smith \Vest. Inc. Elbridge :md Maqr Stuart Foundation

Construction Co., Inc. Mr. Rich:1rd P. \Vo ltm:tn Senior Vice Presidl'nt. First Affiliated Securitil'S. Inc. Mr. Walter J. Zable President and Chier Executi\·c O fficer. Cuhic Corporation

The University of San Diego is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Program accreditations include: Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing-National League for Nursing; School of Business Administration-American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business; School of Law- American Bar Association and the State of California; School of Education-authorized by the Commission for leacher Preparation and Licensing of the State of California to recommend candidates for Multiple Subject and Single Subject teaching credentials, the Bilingual Specialist, and the Specialist in Special Education credentials. The 1983-84 Annual Report of the University of San Diego is published as an information service by the Office of Public Relations. Editor, John Sutherland, publications editor. For additional information about the university, please contact Sara S. Finn, APR, director of public relations, University of San Diego, Alcala Park, California 92110, 619/260-4600, ext. 4492. The University ofSan Diego does not discriminate on the basis ofrace, gentle,: color, religion, age, national 01·igi11, c111cestry1, or baudicaj) in its policies and programs. Design by Ashley-Wayne Advertising, Inc.

lrustees En;ieritus Mr. Thomas C. Barger LaJolla Rc,-crend tvto nsignor Robert T. Callahan Pasto r, SI. Ch;1rles Uo rromc<} Church H.Jo hn Cashin. Ph.D. Dean. 1-iurn:inities Division, S:1111;1 Monica College, Santa Monica Sister Frances D:inz, RSCJ Directo r. Religious of the Sacred Heart at 0:1k,vuod. Menlo Park Mr. Arthur 1-1 . Kaplan President. KB Management Co., Hollywood Mrs. Timo1lw J. Parkman Tucson · · Mr. \Xl i1Ji:1m K. \V:irren

J.C. Penney Company, Inc. Pennsvlvania Life Insurance Co1l1pany Pennzoil Company Petrolane r ncnrporated Pfaffinger Foundation The Pfizer Foundation Philip Morris Incorporated Pinkerton·s 1 Inc. PPG Industries Foundation Mr. Randall E. Preslc)'

President, \X 1. K. \Varren Medical Research Center. Tulsa


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