Senior Resources Housing Directory 2019

Housing assistance Housing assistance lists govern- mental or private agencies that can assist an individual in locat- ing subsidized senior housing. u.s. dept. of Housing and urban development 414-297-3214

I NfORMATIONAL P HONE N UMBERS nutrition Each county offers nutritional information and meal sites for seniors. Information is provid- ed regarding nutritional pro- grams available in local com- munities. milwaukee 414-289-6995 ozaukee 262-238-8120 washington 262-335-4497 waukesha 262-548-7848 social security There is one toll free number which allows an individual to access the Social Security Administration for questions regarding Social Security ben- efits. 1-800-772-1213 title 19 Title 19, or medical assistance, is available to persons who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and to people age 65 or older who are medically needy individu- als, who are below established

A TTORNEY J OANNE L EIFHEIT • Medicaid Analysis and Veterans Benefits • Special Needs Tru sts and Asset Protection

• Powers of Attorney • Disability Planning • Probate

• Estate Planning • Elder Law Issu es • Wills & Tru sts • Gu ardiansh ips

independenceFirst 414-291-7520

(2 6 2 ) 3 4 7 -2 8 2 0

milwaukee County Milwaukee Cty. Dept. of Housing 414-278-4894 Milwaukee Housing Authority 414-286-5678 South Milw. Community Development Authority 414-762-4114 West Allis Housing Division 414-302-8430

poverty levels after deducting medical expenses. Wisconsin automatically places an indi- vidual on Title 19 if they Located one mile north of the Machine Shed Restaurant Ch eck ou r website for u pcoming dates toou r complimentary month ly edu cational estate planning & Medicaid worksh op! N2 7 W2 3 9 5 3 Pau l Road, Su ite 1 0 7 Pewau kee, WI 5 3 0 7 2

ozaukee County Cope-Senior Information Line 262-377-7786

receive SSI. milwaukee ozaukee washington waukesha

800-291-2002 888-446-1239 888-446-1239 888-446-1239

washington County Hartford CDA 262-673-8217 West Bend Housing Authority 262-338-0771

waukesha County Waukesha Housing Authority 262-542-2262

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F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website

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