2018 Fusion Owner's Manual


To Access Using Voice Commands Press the voice button then when prompted say:

Menu Item

Action and Description

mobile (apps | applications)

Say the name of the application after the tone. The app should start. When an app is running through SYNC, you can press the voice button and speak commands specific to the app, for example "Play Playlist Road Trip". Use this command to discover the available voice commands.


SYNCMobile App Voice Commands The following voice commands are always available:

Menu Item

Action and Description

mobile (apps | applications)

SYNC prompts you to say the name of an app to start it on SYNC. SYNC lists all of the currently available mobile apps. Searches your connectedmobile device for SYNC-compatible mobile apps.

list [mobile] (apps | applications)

find [new] [mobile] (apps | applications)

help You can say the name of a mobile app at any time to start the mobile app on SYNC.

When you launch an app using SYNC, the systemmay ask you to grant certain permissions, for example: • To allowyour vehicle to provide vehicle information to the app such as, but not limited to: Fuel level, fuel economy, fuel consumption, engine speed, rain sensor, odometer, VIN, external temperature, gear position, tire pressure, and head lamp status. • To allow your vehicle to provide driving characteristic information such as, but not limited to: MyKey, seat belt status, engine revolutions per minute, gear position, braking events, steeringwheel angle, and accelerator pedal position.

App Permissions App permissions are organized by groups. You can grant these group permissions individually. You can change a permission group status any time when not driving, by using the settings menu.



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