Chronological History of the American Civil War
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Monday, June 22, 1863 : A detachment of Brig. General Albert G. Jenkins's cavalry and Major General Robert E. Rodes' infantry (CSA) moved ahead to a position near Greencastle. Greencastle was located between Chambersburg and Hagerstown in Pennsylvania. When they arrived, they encountered a group of Union soldiers belonging to the 71st New York Militia. The Confederates overwhelmed the Federals and drove them away. Tuesday, June 23, 1863 : Today in middle Tennessee, General William S.
Rosecrans (U.S.) (pictured) begins his “Tullahoma Campaign” leaving Murfreesboro to drive Confederate General Braxton Bragg toward Chattanooga and secure middle Tennessee with skirmishes at Rover and Unionville, Tennessee. This campaign will also keep Southern reinforcements away from Vicksburg. Wednesday, June 24, 1863 : Last year Lee’s invasion of the North, lead them to Sharpsburg, Maryland, on the banks of Antietam Creek. Now, lead forces of General Lee were on the move again, and the logic of geography dictated that they pass that way again; this time on their way to Pennsylvania. Today, on the creek a short sharp
skirmish happens again and more are laid to rest there. This time Lee’s army does not stop, and is still moving North toward Gettysburg, Pennsyvania. A shoe factory and other supplies in that area, are badly needed by the South, and hopes of taking the capitol at Harrisburg is on their list, too. Off the coast of Portland Maine, the Confederate raider C.S.S. Tacony , commanded by Lt. Reed captured the fishing schooner U.S.S. Arche . Realizing that some Union naval ships were pursuing his ship, Reed and his men burned the C.S.S. Tacon y then slipped into Portland harbor about 2 days later aboard the Archer. Thursday, June 25, 1863 : J.E.B. Stuart was a master at confusing the Union forces. A year earlier, he had rode completely around them, attacking without them knowing, which way to move. Lee granted permission for him, to try for another “ride-around” again. It would prove to be a terrible mistake, because this time the Army of the Potomac (U.S.) was finally on the move as well. Major General J.E.B. Stuart's (CSA) Cavalry Corps capture a Federal main supply train proves to be a costly move, becomes separated from the main body of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia (CSA), unable to provide General Robert E. Lee with much needed information as to the Federals' whereabouts. Friday, June 26, 1863 : Major General Alexander M. McCook and his Union corps, were on their way to Tullahoma, Tennessee. At Liberty Gap they engage Confederate forces and drive them away. A skirmish near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as Major General Jubal A. Early, (CSA), passes through Gettysburg, on his way toward York, Pennsylvania. The Memphis Daily Appeal, (now printed from Atlanta, Georgia) reported: The Ladies of Vicksburg. Among the heroic defenders of Vicksburg, none merit more honorable mention than those of the gentler sex who dwell in that fire girdled city. We are told that most of them have excavated caves in the hill sides, where they repose with their children safe from the bursting shells of the enemy, and all day long they toil for the soldiers, taking care of the sick and wounded, cooking for the well, and providing as far as possible for their comfort in the way of clothing. A wreath of glory awaits every one of these heroines, when Vicksburg shall emerge triumphant from the tempest of fire. To say that they were in Vicksburg during the siege, and to tell what they saw, and experienced, will itself be worth the sufferings they have endured. Macon Telegraph.” At Port Hudson, Louisiana, the siege was still ongoing, too. The Southern defenders could not compensate for the constant losses of personnel resulting from starvation, disease, particularly scurvy, dysentery, and malaria, sniping, shell fragments, sunstroke and desertion. The use of mule meat and rats as rations could not maintain the health of the soldiers left standing, and was a further drain on morale, but the men still held their ground. Saturday, June 27, 1863 : Brig. General Martin Edwin Green,(CSA), is mortally wounded by a Federal sharpshooter, while scanning the enemy's position at Vicksburg, Mississippi shot through the head, and dying instantly. York, Pennsylvania is captured by Major General Jubal A. Early, (CSA) and Manchester,
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