WESSA Sishen Report for Anglo American


3.10 Healthy Environment – Water Today, 80% of AA operating sites, including both Kumba’s sites, are already in water scarce regions. Modelling indicates inc reasing weather volatility (more droughts / more floods) associated with climate change – that will likely further expand and exacerbate existing water scarce regions. At present any material disruption to the availability of water at our operating sites in water scarce regions risks directly impacting production with associated significant financial implications. Furthermore, water scarce regions also present challenges to community water supply. Disruptions in community water availability risks conflict and/or a loss of socio-political licence to operate for industrial water uses that are (or are perceived to be) using or ‘taking’ community water. By driving to achieve a step change reduction in freshwater abstraction, and ultimately decoupli ng mining production from off-site freshwater abstraction, AA sites can significantly reduce the risk associated with water security of supply. The 2020 targets intend to drive improvement in water efficiency. The 2030 targets will require a more regional approach as well as fundamental change in how we operate. 3.10.1 Sishen Water – WESSA Services • Through the WESSA Education and Training Platforms , we are able to offer support services to Anglo Sishen in the Energy and Climate Change Section through the following programmes and interventions: • WESSA Sishen Education Centre & WESSA Schools Programme : We can offer curriculum-linked education programmes that upskill Primary and High School students in Water Harvesting, Water Sustainability and Water Testing. These programmes are specifically designed to link to the CAPS Curriculum , and to upskill students in their knowledge and understanding of the technical requirements water, its chemical properties, and practical examples of water resource management and protection. • WESSA Work Skills does deliver accredited and non-accredited practical training and awareness programmes focusing on Climate Change awareness & Energy Resource management, to the following stakeholders: • Mine Senior level management teams • Mine division and unit teams • Mine laborers • Community Leaders WESSA WATER PROGRAMMES

• Municipal Managers and Staff • Individual community groups

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