

ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17 Growing our economy remains a top priority. I supported the comprehensive tax reform bill because it will help lower- and middle-income families keep more of their hard-earned money; boost the economy; and encourage businesses, both small and large, to grow and create jobs here in Maine and around the country. This legislation contains key provisions I authored that are important to Mainers, including preserving the deduction for state and local taxes, expanding the deduction for medical expenses, and enabling public employees such as firefighters, teachers, and police officers, as well as clergy and employees of nonprofits, to make “catch-up” contributions to their retirement accounts. I led the effort to ensure that the tax cut will not trigger automatic budget cuts to Medicare or any other programs. A Maine value that always guides me is our unsurpassed work ethic. As of December 2017, I have cast more than 6,500 consecutive votes, continuing my record of never missing a roll-call vote since my Senate service began in 1997. I appreciate the opportunity to serve Androscoggin County and Maine in the United States Senate. If ever I can be of assistance to you, please contact my Lewiston office at 207-784-6969 or visit my website at www.collins.senate.gov. May 2018 be a good year for you, your family, your community, and our state. Sincerely, ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17 Growing our economy re ains a top pri rity. I supported th comprehensiv tax reform bill becaus it will help lower- and mid le-income fa ilies ke p more of their hard-e ned money; boost the economy; and encourage busines es, both small and rge, to grow and create jobs here in Mai e nd around the country. This legi lation contains key provisions I authored that are important to Mainers, including preserving the deduction for state and local taxes, e panding the deduction for medical expenses, and enabli g public employees such as firefight rs, achers, and police fficers, as well as c ergy and employees of nonprofits, to make “catch-up” contributions their retirement accounts. I led th effort to ensur that the ax cut will not trigge automa ic budget cuts to Medicare or any other programs. A Maine v lu that always guides me i our unsurpa sed work ethic. As of December 2017, I have c st more than 6,500 conse utive vot s, continui g my record of never missing a roll-call vote sinc my Senate servic began in 1997. I appreciat the opportunity to serve Androscoggin Cou ty a d Maine in the United S ates Senate. If ver I can be of assist nce to you, please conta t my Lewiston office at 207-784-6969 or visit my websit at www.collins.se ate.gov. May 2018 be a good year for you, r family, your c mmunity, and our state. Sincerely,

Susan M. Collins United States enator

Susan M. Collins United States Senator

Senator Angus King

Senator Angus King

Augusta Office 4 Gabriel Drive Suite 3 Augusta, Maine 04330 (207) 622-8292 Washington D. C. Office 133 Hart Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-5344 Augusta Office 4 Gabriel Drive Suite 3 Augusta, M ine 04330 (207) 622-8 92 Washington D. C. Office 133 Hart Building Washingto , DC 2051 (202) 24-53 4


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